Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003 @ 6:10 pm
they better hope nothing bad happens

Jeff is dropping Filo off at the vet this evening so he can be neutered tomorrow. We have a deadline from the humane society to get him fixed by a certain date. The adoption fee includes the cost of surgery. After what happened with Thor, we wondered if we wanted to take Filo to the same vet. You see, they insist on keeping him the night before and the night after surgery. However, no one is there overnight. Had someone been there and seen Thor in distress (or if he'd been with us), something might could have been done. But I digress.

Anyway, we have a list of participating vets to choose from, including our normal vet. Jeff decided to take Filo to the vet we've been using for over 10 years instead of a vet he knew nothing about. I then suggested dropping him off Monday and picking him up Wednesday. He nixed that because that's the exact arrangement we had when Thor died. Jeff was supposed to pick him up Wednesday morning. I'm getting upset/sad/mad just typing this. Anyway, it's a necessary surgery, but it's hitting too close to home. I'm sure we'll be nervous wrecks until we pick him up Saturday morning.

I meant to mention an incident that happened this weekend. My stepmother called to chat Saturday morning. We got on the subject of nutrition, and the fact that she's lost 45 lbs so far. She's not on a low carb diet, but is watching her intake of them. She said she can't find the RDA or something similar for carbohydrates, protein and fat. I looked up a few links for her and emailed them to her. As I was searching, Jeff comes in and stands behind me (despite the fact that he knows I hate this). He sees that I'm on a page about nutrition and says, "How much do you think you need to weigh?" As in, haven't you lost enough weight? I think he's more sensitive to my weight than I am. I told him it was for Barbara. "Oh." If she wants to lose weight and eat a more healthy diet, by all means, I'll help her do it. Maybe she'll quit smoking, too, and avoid another heart attack.

Christy13's Search-O-Rama:

google - winona juggs

Looking at this search, I saw a site called hee. Of course. I didn't find what page of mine it linked, but I'm guessing where I mention "little jugs" being a nickname my brother gave me at about age 12.

google - screw my niece

This one linked a page where "my niece" and "screw up" where present in the same entry. Sickos.

OK, enough of that.

You know you want to.

Listening to:

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

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