Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006 @ 7:44 am
Where's the Excedrin?

A taste of our future?

OK, so what happens if abortion is made illegal? The man gets off scot-free and the woman is left to deal with it? Typical. (Not that I condone what this is probably targeting - women who trick men into having babies.)

Sick fucks.

That's a relief. Wouldn't want them to do without their carcass.

My sister called me Wednesday night. She said she was still holding off on an exam (or birth control). She had told me last time that she was failing three classes, but now has one of the grades brought up. She said she's wondering if she should wait a while to get a job in case it interferred with school and trying to get her grades back up (and that they're hitting her hard lately, to use her terms). I told her she did need to bring her grades up, but she needed to get a job as soon as possible to save money if she planned to move out when she turns 18. I told her as a student, I thought she would only be allowed to work a certain number of hours a week, anyway, so it may not be that bad. I got into a little bit about how broke we were when I was 17 and still in school. I told her that I know people my age making more money than she could at the moment who couldn't afford rent by themselves. She's under the impression that her Dad will still provide her a car and continue to pay the insurance.

She said her Dad made a comment about wishing he'd never told her about me and being adopted because now she supposedly doesn't talk to him anymore. She said that has nothing to do with how she feels about him.

Oh, she said she told her Dad about my offer to drop her off at a job. He said he didn't want me to think she was using me for that, whatever that means. She told him I called and offered. I'm not sure if that's his real reason or not.

She told me they did stop her DFCS monitoring. I thought they changed their minds after what was revealed. Guess not.

When I got home last night, I went to get the mail. As I got to the end of the driveway, a car stopped and Danielle popped up from the back seat to say hello. I told her I just got home, then went on to the mailbox. I asked her what she was out doing, but I guess they didn't hear me because they drove off. Probably seemed like I was ignoring them, but whatever. See below why I might have felt that way.

I cancelled my appointments on Friday (facial, massage) so I could go into work. Yep, not happy about it. My massage therapist said, "You'll really be messed up by the time I see you." It's already been 3 weeks. I know it sounds like I'm spoiled, but you just don't know how bad my neck and shoulders get when unchecked. Yeah, I'll have to suck it up. Not to mention that pollen season is upon us. I'd tried to drive with my windows cracked since it was so nice out this week, but my eyes started burning. It's too hot with the windows up, so I have to run the A/C which seems crazy to do in March (and with the cost of gas).

I've got to start getting to bed earlier. And working out again. I'm averaging 2-3 times a week, and I need much more. And several people have been sick at work, including my office mate (I probably was not in when whatever he had was incubating) and my boss and coworker (who I've spent several days with working on the federal report). I hope I can manage to escape illness.

And now I'm hoping I don't have to work Saturday. I've already cancelled appointments for Friday, and had planned to be cleaning all day for the party. If I can't clean, no party. Sorry, that's how it is.

Update: No work Saturday, but I have to go in Sunday morning. They're aware that I'm having a party tonight, so they'll give me some slack if I'm late. I worked almost 12 hours yesterday (from 6am), and my brain is fried.

This is my next to last entry here. I'll update with a link to my new blog once I decide on a name. And now I will go clean all the livelong day.

Reading: magazines - Herbivore
Listening to: You Ain't Woman Enough to Take My Man - Loretta Lynn

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh