Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 @ 4:19 pm
trying to keep my brain inside my skull

Fucking hell. I woke up with a nasty headache on Monday, but was able to beat it back with Excedrin, or at least knock it down to a dull ache. Tuesday was ok. Wednesday started out ok, then I started developing a headache that progressed to a migraine (or something) in a few hours. It laughed at the extra strength aspirin. I even got flushed and slightly nauseous. I left work in a rush around noon, and felt better in a couple hours after eating lunch and dozing on the couch. I kept my chiro appointment because I thought it would help.

Today I've felt twinges. I even changed my contacts since I was on week three of my 1-2 week disposables. I took some Excedrin, and it got better. Leigh says I get headaches too often and should talk to my doctor. I just think it would do no good. He'd want to put me on an antidepressant or something (like he suggested for the insomnia years ago). Speaking of which, that is probably one of the contributing factors along with crap going on at work*, fluorescent lights (as suggested by Leigh), looking at a computer all damn day, not sleeping well/going to bed too late/getting up too early, being on call this month* (I keep thinking I hear the phone ring and take an earplug out), Aunt Flo, etc. I hope I'm not whining too much. Whine whine whine.

*To expound on that, I keep expecting a call due to all the jacking around people are doing with authorizations, security, servers, etc. I got those two afternoon calls as a result of that, so far. It's ridiculous. I'm working on a not very often changed mainframe transaction that they took it upon themselves to remove from the test region. Gee, thanks. It's been like a treasure hunt trying to just make a small change to this program and test it. Then, a file was defined wrong (pointing to another region), and now I'm not sure a nightly job relating to this change is even on the schedule. Not to mention I practically need a decoder ring to figure out the naming convention, coding, etc. of the person who used to handle this crap (the one who retired). Did your eyes glaze over?

I am trying to workout more. I did three miles on the treadmill Tuesday. I thought about a light toning workout last night, but was afraid to elevate my heart rate and risk the pounding headache's return. (Hey, elevated blood pressure could be another contributor.) Plus I'd gotten quite an adjustment on my neck, so I didn't want to overdo it, excuses excuses. I'll do something today, if it's only some pushups.

I realized during a conversation with my former boss and office mate that I had 6 different vegetables and fruits in my lunch today. We were discussing the proposed 2-4% raise for state employees (depending on how much they make), as well as health cost proposals for teachers. My office mate's wife is in the school system and her health insurance, which he is covered by, is $80 less a month than ours. I said, I should get a discount - I'm not a smoker*, not obese, exercise regularly (barring extenuating circumstances), eat a pretty healthy diet..." So yeah, I have carrots, celery, turnips, hominy (does that count?), broccoli, and strawberries today, plus my banana with breakfast. Not bad, huh?

*Smokers have to pay a surcharge already. Heh.

Four jobs you�ve had in your life

1. Little Caeser's Pizza - the work sucked, but my coworkers were fun. We even had a toy chest.

2. Student civilian job on an air force base. I worked there during high school, and while I got my degree. I learned a lot there, and worked with some great people. I've only been in touch with one of those people since I left, regrettably.

3. Contractor at IBM for 2 years. There were no entry level programming jobs available after school, so I stayed here. I met some cool people, and some true assholes here. And the work sucked ass most of the time.

4. Programmer/analyst for state government. Yep, I've only had four jobs in my life. When I got the call (a month after my interview - yay, bureaucracy!), I was ecstatic.

Four movies you would watch over and over

1. Hang 'Em High.

2. Office Space.

3. Fistful of Dollars.

4. Almost anything with Clint Eastwood (except for ones with his former wife Sondra Locke, who gets on my damn nerves).

Four places you have lived

1. Austell, GA.

2. Current City, GA. (Yeah, not gonna do it.)

3. Marietta, GA

4. Smyrna, GA - Yeah, exciting. The last two were as a kid, and I barely remember them.

Four TV shows you love to watch

1. CSI.

2. What Not To Wear.

3. The Daily Show.

4. House.

Four places you have been on vacation

1. Panama City Beach, FL - a couple times as a kid.

2. Charleston, SC - yeah, I don't really count that fiasco of a "vacation."

3. Asheville, NC - weekend roadtrip with Leigh. Not long enough to be a vacation proper.

4. Charleston, SC - ditto #3.

Four websites you visit daily

1. Bitchypoo.

2. Atlanta Journal-Constitution, even though they fucked up big time.

3. d'land, of course.

4. Grumpy Bastards.

Four of your favorite foods*

1. collard greens

2. chocolate cake from Cafe Sunflower

3. tempeh and mushroom sandwich on wheat from Mellow Mushroom

4. Harmony Vegetarian (especially Chinese pizza w/ sauce)

*this list changes all the time

Four places you would rather be right now

1. Charleston, SC

2. At home on the couch napping & watching crappy daytime TV.

3. Birmingham, AL

4. getting a massage

Reading: various magazines, currently Jane and Veg News
Listening to: My Mind Playin' Tricks on Me - Geto Boys

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh