Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 @ 5:08 pm
pretty roses


This is so stupid. Incidentally, the judge who made the ruling is the same judge from the trial in which I was a juror. I thought I liked her.

This is from's Weird News:

Silverstone's Wardrobe Requirements

Alicia Silverstone will make her debut in a NBC series called "Miss Match," which the network hopes will permeate the fashion consciousness as had HBO's "Sex and the City." In the series, Silverstone plays a Los Angeles divorce lawyer who inadvertently begins acting as a matchmaker to her clients. Wardrobe requirements have turned complex, though, because Silverstone is a vegan -- she eats only plants -- whose politics prohibit a great deal more than banning fur. Costume designer Robert Haze says Silverstone won't wear wool -- the way sheep are treated -- no leather -- although vintage leather shoes seem to be grandfathered -- and no silk -- something to do with silkworms, the New York Times reports.

Oh, yeah. I love how they try to make her sound flaky. Like Jennifer Lopez's or any other starlet's demands aren't ridiculous. Not to even mention J.Ho's affinity for furs.

Jeff went out to get something for dinner last night and brought me back a dozen roses. He had to go to the store for some Advil for his toothache (infection, per the dentist). I said, "What possessed you?" He said he walked by and thought they were "pretty." No one who knows Jeff would think he'd say something like that! Then I added a notch to my bitch belt by saying "Well, I don't have time to fool with them now. I'll put them in the fridge." In my defense, I did give him a kiss and thank him. See, I usually unwrap the roses, trim the ends, and put them in a pretty vase. I was in the middle of putting some of the NASCAR stuff he wants to sell at the garage sale back into their boxes, and it was 9:30pm. Anyway, he's a very good husband when he wants to be.

We're having another garage sale on Saturday. I have one friend joining me so far who was not at the last one. She just sold her house, and is looking for another one. I invited 3 other people. I haven't heard from one yet who said she would if she had time to get things ready. Another can't be there because she has to be at the apartment when her soon-to-be ex-husband comes to retrieve his things to make sure he doesn't take anything that's hers. Oh, well. Hopefully we'll do better than last time.

Reading: You Don't Need Meat - Peter Cox
Listening to: Mos Def - Ms. Fat Booty

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See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

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