Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 @ 5:24 pm
This ain't no tea party, Polly Prissypants

This is just an evil, time wasting thing. Thanks, K.

I had my massage, and it was fabulous. I still wish I could get one more often than once a month, but I'm lucky to get that.

Saturday morning I went to get my hair did. It seems my hair and nails have grown quickly this summer, but they usually do. I had to cut my nails last week because I could barely type. She cut off a little more than I would have liked, but it will probably grow back before next time.

I got to C and B's reception party too early as usual. I wasn't needed to help with preparation, so we all sat and watched her friend Michael decorate the bride and groom's cakes. He used that icing that they use so it looks all smooth and fancy. It has about the consistency of PlayDough. He rolls it out flat, then smooths and trims it over the cake layers. It was fascinating to watch. The groom's cake was a torte (I think) with very thin yellow cake layers and a chocolate icing that was about like liquefied brownies. I think I gained weight just smelling it. He put melted chocolate in a pan and put it in the freezer to make a sheet. He put the broken pieces on top of the cake as decoration, along with chocolate-dipped strawberries. Mmmmm.

C's family got there a little early, too. They were even more over-dressed than I was. B's sister kept saying "didn't BBQ tip you off?" I got home and looked at the invitation, but it didn't say BBQ, dammit! Anyway, they all sat in the front room with their suits and dresses on like it was a damn tea party, while B's friends and family were outside and in the kitchen in shorts and mostly barefoot, drinking beer from the bottle or can! Oh, my! How uncouth! Then they left 10 minutes after they cut the cake, just as C predicted.

One of missleigh's ex-boyfriends was there. He went to school with us, and was there with his girlfriend (who I'd met at the bridal shower). He walked in and said, "I know you! Didn't I go to school with you?" Strangely enough, B was in my same class, but doesn't remember going to school with this guy. She did leave to go the the alternative (~cough~ delinquent) school. He was friends with some of my old metalhead friends. Oh, and he's on the infamous "Leigh's ex-boyfriend page" in one of my photo albums. (I'm just kidding! You know I love ya! Teasing over.)

So, I had fun. I sliced onions and melted chocolate because I refused to touch the hamburger meat or tomatoes. Yeah, I had to be difficult. Luckily there were some Boca burgers for me to eat. I didn't think eating just cake would be a good idea.

Yesterday we ran all over town getting various things. This is why I do a lot of shopping online. I've looked in 4 stores for Filo's Fresh & Clean shampoo. (Yes, I got it because of the Outkast reference. It works, though.) We got a new switch for my vacuum, a cheap table for the garage sale, parts for Jeff's truck interior, etc. We went in the truck because he had to get gas for the lawn mower. Let me just say that air conditioning is a wonderful thing. It was hot as fuck in his Sanford & Son truck. (OK, not really. He's restoring it and it's coming along quite nicely.)

Alright. Time to go move weighted metal bars up and down for no apparent reason, as marn would say.

Reading: You Don't Need Meat
Listening to: QOTSA - Born to Hula

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh