Monday, Jun. 17, 2002 @ 6:04 pm
the fallout

Clark Howard was on a morning radio show here in Atlanta with the Regular Guys (96 Rock). It was so funny. They were drinking one sip out of "brand name" bottled water and then throwing it in the garbage just so he'd freak out. He said, "You're throwing away a dollar!" It reminded me of when my friends were throwing popcorn in the floor piece by piece, waiting for me to unconsciously pick it up. Bitches.

So, not much happened on my birthday. Friday I went to get a massage. Afterward, I looked through some hairstyle books and magazines. I'm still undecided on what (if anything) to do with my hair. I'm worried that if I get it cut shorter (no shorter than boob level) and get layers in it, I'll have to put a bunch of crap in it and blow dry it to make it look good. I do basically nothing with it now besides shampoo, condition, comb, and brush it. After the 80s, I think I've done enough to it. Anyway, I'm suspicious of the stylist there who insisted it would look good whether dried naturally or blow dried. I think she's just trying to get my business, then sell me all the products I'll need to pile on to make it look good afterward. It's a conspiracy, see?

Saturday we loaded up the truck and went to the dump in honor of our 11th anniversary. OK, not really. We just had some garbage to get rid of, like an old TV manufactured in 1981, a mold-stained futon, and various junk from his garage. Man, the dump stinks (duh). I might have been the only woman there. I don't think many other wives would agree to accompany their husbands there. Eh, it didn't take long.

Later we went to dinner at Scalini's, an "authentic" Italian place. I used to love it, but there's not that much you can eat there as a vegetarian. Well, if you don't like tomatoes or zucchini. I prefer Olive Garden because they have mushroom ravioli. Jeff prefers Scalini's chicken parmigiana. It was ok, not great. We went home and drank a bit - him: Three Pinch Scotch and Coke; me: Captain Morgan's Reserve and Coke. I started to get a little icky, so I switched to water after 3 large drinks. I just have no tolerance anymore. I think it's the Coke's acidity. I think the water helped me from feeling worse on Sunday (thanks, jen7). I'll keep the rest of the evening's activities to myself, thanks.

Sunday we went to the flea market and gun show. There were 3 places that had puppies, but they were all "yap dogs," or chihuahuas and the like. No thanks. Surprisingly, I didn't find any jewelry I liked at our usual place. Jeff didn't find anything he wanted, either. I started to get very tired because of too little sleep and not enough food. We almost got me an automatic at the gun show, but it was too hard to decide. I was tired of walking around, anyway. I decided I didn't like the Glocks, but liked the Taurus or Smith & Wesson 9mm or .380. I was trying to find one that was small but not too small, not too heavy, and with a grip that felt good in my hand. I have relatively small hands, but some of the grips were still to small. I think I'll rent a few guns at the range to see what I like. I might can find a gun for a good price at a local shop, or wait for the next gun show in July. The S&W was $500 - more than I want to spend. Well, more than I want Jeff to spend.

Toward the end of the day yesterday, I felt really drag-ass. I didn't even want to go to the grocery store, so I'm going on my way home today. It felt like I was anemic again, or lacking sleep, or a combination of both. It's not that time of the month, so it must be my diet for the past few days. I'll have to eat some green leafy vegetables to up my iron.

Oh, I decided that by Hollywood standards I'm a fat cow, but by real world standards I'm downright svelte. I told Jeff this, and he said, "Is that what you're trying to accomplish? Hollywood standards?" I said I guess. I need to be realistic and be happy the way I am.

Good things (or me trying not to be such a pessimist)

-Saturday I got a clothing order in the mail just in time for me to wear something new to dinner.

-Today at lunch there was a Diet Cherry Coke hidden in the back of the fridge (the one we buy drinks out of).

-Today a coworker gave me some chocolates she got in Austria while on her vacation.

-Today my boss brought in leftover birthday cake (his is tomorrow), and I got a corner piece.

Listening to:

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh