Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2004 @ 5:01 pm
shopping with the hussy

I am not amused.

I went shopping and to lunch with K on Saturday. We always have fun ridiculing the other customers, making fun of the screaming kids and laughing at the atrocious, glittery fashions. It seemed like everywhere we went, someone was talking on a cell phone. In Ulta, a girl was walking around with a hands-free set and snickering. We thought she had Tourette's until we realized she was actually talking to someone. Maybe we need one of these:

From ClarkHoward.com

Block someone else from talking on a cell phone

You�ve probably heard that Clark is obsessed with his two cell phones. He just can�t stop talking on them. So, last week, he got a call while waiting in a hotel lobby in New York City and he started talking with the person on the other end. Apparently, one man who was also in the lobby didn�t like the distraction and told Clark exactly how he felt. Some people really do not like to be bothered by cell phone noise, especially when they are in public places. So, many people are starting to carry devices that block all cell phone signals within a certain distance. These look a lot like little cell phones, but they are actually anti-cell phones. They are spreading across the country even though they are against the law here. In fact, one company called Global Gadgets is selling the devices for about $300. And the largest number of orders for the devices is coming from the United States. The good news is that these devices will block criminal and lewd behavior with cell phones such as taking nude pictures of people in locker rooms with camera phones. So, with any advancement in technology there will always be good and bad.

Anyway, I ended up spending too much money. I got some comfortable casual clothes for work, assorted girly stuff from Ulta, and some new walking shoes. Well, that was after finding some at K0hl's, looking at Fam0us F00twear later, then Just F0r Feet, then G00dy's, then going back to K0hl's to get the pair I liked to begin with. My feet were hurting so badly from walking around all day in my pimp boots that I had a hard time telling which shoes were comfortable.

I've had my old pair since I got the treadmill in 1998 (I think), and I've worn them a lot - especially lately. I've been hitting the treadmill pretty hard lately since it saves time when I have something recorded (Angel, CSI, etc.) to watch. It makes the time pass more quickly, and the incline and speed intervals get my heart rate up to my max target heart rate.

Oops, there I go with the workout talk again. Time to go do one now!

Reading: Fast Food Nation - Eric Schlosser
Listening to: nothing

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

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