Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2003 @ 6:30 pm
chocolate is my kryptonite

I finally got around to calling the ATA Karate place near my house to ask about self defense classes. The girl said they have Krav Maga, which is Hebrew for contact combat, and is a form of self defense originally used by the Israeli military, and now by many law enforcement agencies. (Yes, missleigh, from the J.Ho movie we saw.) I looked at a few websites. It uses some kickboxing moves and equipment, which I love. You also learn evasive moves, choke moves, deflection, etc. It works sort of progressively, like martial arts, in that there are levels of training to be achieved. I was hoping for a one time course for this. This one is $99 for 5 classes, or $248 down (first month, uniform, gear) and $99 a month for a year-long program. I can sign up for a free class to see what it's like. I don't know. I can't afford $99 a month right now. Maybe I'll do the 5 class deal (I'm assuming it's one class a week) if I like it after the free class.

I was talking to my coworker about it, and he said he was quite sure I could handle myself just fine. I told him I just didn't know, but I wanted to make sure. Sure, I'm mean and pretty strong, but that may not cut it.

I'm 21.10454% - Geek.

Some funny things I checked on this quiz:

- I like to...browse the dictionary to learn new words

In fact, I have the dictionary entries copied onto a dry erase board in my office of the following words: prolix, feculent, putrid, pusilanimous, sloven, fetid. Yes, there's a theme.

- I like with Lego.

- I know that...Aol is the Spawn of Satan. (and a virus)

- I know...what the blue screen of death means. (not saying much, is it?)

- I have...taken notes in more than one color.

- I have...indexed and catalogued any personal collection.

- I have "smart" classes.

- I have read...H.P. Lovecraft.

- I want...more computers.

- I want...more RAM.

- I score well on this test.

- I like to...make people think I'm weird.

- I know...extensive, useless trivia.

- I know...that the new millenium started in 2001.

I thought I'd score better. I also have to wonder what level of this is anal-retentive and not necessarily geeky.

I slacked on my workout yesterday. I've been feeling run down for the past few days. It's probably caused by a combination of PMS (and possible slight anemia), and not enough sleep lately. I'm trying not to beat myself up about it when it happens. I do need to have more willpower with my diet, though. Well, not diet but eating. I need to eat less candy and junk, or replace it with fruit or something more healthy. I need to get rid of the bag of peppermints in my desk, and quit buying a bag of swedish fish every week. I need to get my ass out of bed earlier so I can get to and leave work earlier, giving me more time to workout, surf the internet, cook dinner, and all the other stuff I have to do in the evenings. I also need to win the lottery so I can either a) quit my job so I'll have time to work out for hours a day and hire a trainer to get me in shape and comfortable with being in a bathing suit in public (so I can go swimming), or b) install my own pool and reinforce the privacy fence. It could happen, right?

Today I'm not wearing one piece of black clothing, not even underwear (brown shirt and sandals and khaki pants). I feel quite strange.

So much for willpower. I walked in the house after driving home in shitty traffic (as if there is any other kind), and my chiropractor appointment and ate a Milky Way. Did I mention I'm PMSing? Chocolate is my kryptonite.

Listening to:

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh