Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2002 @ 6:11 pm
maybe piddle pads are in order

Yea, gods. It's like we have a toddler. The little bastard was whining and raising hell as soon as he heard me at the door yesterday afternoon. I got to listen to that as I hurriedly changed out of my dress clothes so as to avoid him staining or getting his puppy smell on them. I then took him out where he peed, then proceeded to sniff randomly around the yard and attempt to eat grass. Then I sat in the living room floor with him as I watched the first half of the soap (Jeff sees this during lunch) and opened the mail.

I was essentially babysitting. I couldn't go into the back of the house and do the shit I needed to do (put clothes/shoes/jewelry out for tomorrow, go online and update diary, upload digital pics, etc.). That would involve all 3 bedrooms and too many places for him to poo and/or get out of my sight. Right now we're keeping a constant eye out for him to start sniffing for a place to relieve himself so we can catch him and take him outside. Or to chew on something inappropriate. At about 7:00, I got tired of waiting for Jeff to get home. So, I put him in his crate and went to the back of the house to get something done.

Don't get me wrong. He's cute and sweet and playful (and generally well behaved for a 2 month old puppy), but in this stage he's high maintenance. I took for granted how good Thor was. We left him inside all day (except at lunch) without any messes. All he did was get on the couches, which is why we started putting the dining room chairs up on them to block access. We were afraid his claws would poke holes in the upholstery. He didn't raise hell when I walked in the door. He usually just wagged his butt, then went to the back door to be let out. He would do his business, then wait at the door to be let back in. He would lay quietly at my feet while I was on the computer or watching TV. I did not need to constantly monitor him.

The cats were in a lull, too. They thought they had it made being the ruling animals in the house. It was always quiet, unless Thea wanted to be fed. They had all day to nap in peace. Now, Filo rules the roost. He probably raises hell intermittently from his crate while we're at work, disturbing their daytime tranquility. They're freaked to the point of hiding most of the time, too skittish to come to the kitchen when it's time to eat, or to use their litterbox. Only Buzz seems ok, as I said yesterday. I think it's the Puppy Chow Growth Formula he stole from Thor when they were puppy and kitten together.


Oh yeah. I left this morning and got a mile from the house and had to turn around. Everything was blurry, especially at a distance. I'm near-sighted anyway, but this was bad. I could not read street signs at all. I had to squint and blink for about 30 seconds to read the spedometer. So, I go back home (at which time Filo starts up again). I go to take my right contact out (which is my bad eye) because that contact felt funny. Well, I proceed to drop the contact in the floor. You know that slight tint they put in them so you can see them? Doesn't help. So, I find it and go to rinse and reinsert it. Well, there's another contact in my right eye. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I put both contacts in one eye. D'oh!!! Where do I pick up my sign? My only excuse is that I was in a hurry and working on even less sleep than usual. Fucking hell.

Listening to:

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh