Wednesday, Mar. 01, 2006 @ 5:47 pm
oh HELL no

The last dream I had this morning was about Leigh and I catching a guy stomping a puppy to death. I'd read an earlier story about this yesterday, so that may have something to do with it (though the story I read before didn't mention the 'stepped on' part). We yelled at him and called him nasty things, and I think Leigh either mooned him or defecated in his yard. What the hell?

And I have already failed in my renewed motivation. I'd started the week feeling optimistic and with somewhat strong willpower. Then, I didn't have time to work out on Monday because I took my car to Jeff's shop. Then Tuesday I went to the dealership twice (more on that in a moment), and screwed up my diet by not eating breakfast until 9:30. Then we had the birthday deal at work where I had a piece of cake. And I bought a container of Swedish Fish at Linens N Things and started eating them in the car on the way home. And then I didn't work out. Again. I suck.

So yeah, the issue was that my blinkers weren't blinking. Actually, they worked for a few minutes on the way to Jeff's shop, and again on the way to the dealership yesterday morning. Then nothing. I was at the dealer's before they opened at 7:30. I'd forgotten my magazine and a snack and bottle of water. They didn't have the part, and couldn't get it until noon. The manager said they'd bring my car back out, but the mechanic misunderstood him and didn't put it back together and drive it around. So I stood there waiting for another 15 minutes. Then it took me an hour to get to work because traffic sucked ass.

I went back to the dealer around 2:30 and didn't have to wait very long. I made the aforementioned stop by LNT where I also scored a set of 400 thread count sheets. Then as usual I came home and got on the computer. Next thing I knew it was 7:00.

I talked to Danielle's mom, and then to Danielle. She told me she wanted to hold off going to a clinic because she has a lot going on right now. Yeah, and it could be worse. I said, "At the risk of sounding like a parent, be careful." I mentioned what happened to me at her age, how I was stupid about it, and then said, "and that's all I'm going to say about it." We talked about how she's failing three classes and how she could get her grades back up. She claimed to not have skipped school lately, but I'm not so sure. We talked about her getting a job, and I offered that I might be able to pick her up from school or home and drop her off at a job (depending on our schedules).

She expressed concern about what her Dad would say about her in court. Well, he will only say what has happened. I didn't say that exactly, but something about how the grades and skipping school wouldn't look good for her. Her mom said that her Dad had called about the statutory rape guy being in contact with her from jail. So he's probably in more trouble. I'm sure Danielle won't be happy about that. She blames her Dad for him being in jail now for violation of probation. I guess in her mind, he wouldn't have been on probation to begin with if not for her father.

I feel for him, I really do. He feels she's resorting to her past behavior and having guys over after she gets home from school. He feels the need to put a padlock on his bedroom door because he doesn't know who she's having over there. I hope this kind of thing comes out in court.

OK, the only thing brought up in court by her Dad was that she'd been in contact with him through his collect calls from jail. She's pissed. I guess they're not ending her DFCS monitoring as originally planned. Not sure what is planned now in addition to the weekly 'counseling.' Her mom said the counselor suggested taking her to a battered women's shelter to get through to her. I was like, what? Yeah, apparently the guy used to knock her around. Either no one told me or I don't remember. Oh, you're damn right I'm bringing up that little tidbit with her. What the fuck is she thinking?

Reading: magazines - bitch and Herbivore
Listening to: Sugar - Tori Amos

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swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh