Monday, Feb. 20, 2006 @ 5:37 pm
sibling revelry

A "vent" I got posted: "It’s ironic how the venter posting about bringing education levels ‘back up to par’ uses a double negative. Excuse me while my head explodes." Ah crap, it's gone. Never mind.

I hung out with my brother on Saturday. Because he called me at 6:30 Friday, I was cleaning house until 10:00. Probably not good after my massage, when she told me it felt like a rib was out of place. (How the hell did I do that?) She also pressed on a spot between my shoulder blades that caused a spasm in my trapezius muscle. I'd had an adjustment on Wednesday, and the chiro said I might need to come in again sooner than my next monthly appointment. So, I'm going again today. That could be why I had an episode on Saturday after standing and walking most of the day. I must have turned or moved wrong and pinched something, because it hurt to breathe and I had to sit down. My heavy ass purse probably doesn't help.

Anyway, we ended up at two malls, where at one we met up with my other brother and nephew. While waiting for them to show up, we found a slot car racing place, where you could pay to race cars. Ah, memories. These were larger cars than we used to have as kids, though. It was funny to see Allan's reaction when he finally got there and saw it. Then I even played Galaga! They had a Galaga/Ms. Pacman machine, but it was hidden in the back. Bastards. They should just let me take it home. Because I was too suspicious to eat anything at the mall, I got him to go to Harmony which wasn't too far from there. He actually liked it, fake shrimp and all. He did call the sesame (fake) chicken 'McNuggets,' but he still ate them.

I bought another purse. I really need help. I keep buying them, and none of them are exactly what I want. Every purse in my closet works in some ways, and gets on my damn nerves in some ways. This one's ok. It's a little wider that I'd like, but it has lots of pockets for my iPod and phone, etc., and a little loop to hook my bluetooth to so I don't fuck it up (worse*). I've been eyeing this one ever since Bitchypoo posted pics of the inside and all of its compartments. Plus the ergonomic aspect is appealing. It's expensive, though.

*The rubber gasket that's supposed to help you hear better is ripping off. It was like that when my brother gave it to me. It'll probably be fine without it, and hey, you get what you pay for (it was free). There's a warranty, but I can foresee them using one of the loopholes to deny. I could just suck it up and buy one, like the one my brother got to replace this one.

No word from my sister or her mom yet. I think Danielle said she would be in court on Wednesday. (Some previous court dates didn't require her presence.) I think she's out of school today. Maybe she had the time and motivation to make that appointment.

Reading: various magazines - Fitness, Spin, Herbivore
Listening to: Jolene - The White Stripes

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh