Friday, Dec. 02, 2005 @ 6:14 am
hope is dashed

We closed on the refi Wednesday morning. I'm trying not to stress about it anymore. The former mortgage company and the bank we had the HELOC with will both owe us money back. The former from escrow, the latter because I had to make a HELOC payment because the refi may not go into effect before it's considered late. I guess the mortgage companies don't want to deal with each other, otherwise they could have transferred what we'd paid so far to the new company. Jeff had to write a check for over $1400 for closing because they had to collect 13 months for the hazard insurance escrow and 6 months for taxes. The insurance is due in January, so that makes the timing tricky. Seeing that amount and the 13 months thing got me all jacked up about it again. A lot of it is getting a good enough explanation so I can relay it to Jeff. He basically trusts my judgement, but I didn't want him to be alarmed by anything.

The trap had been set up since Tuesday night, but I'd not heard anything from the lady who lives there. I went by there last night but saw nothing. I put a new can of food and a dirty t-shirt in the trap. Someone suggested that to me, and I'll try anything. We got a call after 11pm last night that she caught the black cat she'd been seeing. It wasn't him, and I was crushed. I knew there was that possibility, but I'd all but convinced myself it was him. She's having her daughter take the cat and cage to animal control. They've been very nice.

I cancelled my massage today because she'd told me they had only seen the black cat during the day. That was the only way I'd have time to go over there when it was daylight. So much for that. I'll use the time to go back to the shelters and maybe put up additional signs.

I am excited to bring home my stalker. I hope he behaves himself and gets along with the other cats and the dog. I know Thea will hiss at him because she hisses at everyone. And he has hissed at the dog through the door, but he'll be able to tell soon enough that Filo is harmless. I just have to think of a name. Here are a few, including some that mrleigh and missleigh, mycatsass and B liked: Amos, Bailey, Baxter (heh), Boris, Charlie, Dexter, Floyd, George, Gus, Harry, Henry, Hogan, Jack, Jed, Jethro, Josey, Miles, Oscar, Otis, Pedro, Pickles (not really), Riley, Rufus, Sebastian, Silas, Simon. I'd love to call him Rufus, but I'm not sure if it suits him yet. It's certainly an excellent dog name, though. A site I saw it on said it means red-haired one (Latin). Boris means fight, battler (Russian). Jethro means outstanding, excellent (Hebrew). Um, ok.

I am so distracted at work that I feel useless and stupid. I can't concentrate on the program I'm working on for long enough to figure things out. I'm behind, and that's not all there is to do.

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh