Monday, Sept. 26, 2005 @ 5:39 pm
debauchery and lies

I swear I only had two beers, Ocifer. Z, Y, X...

Operation Eden

From Tickle:

Christy, your flavor is Mellow

Like vanilla ice cream or fresh bread, you're an easygoing and friendly person who's a staple to have around � always enjoyable at any time. With your relaxed attitude, you're both reasurring and refreshing, and this makes people around you feel at ease.

While others may be fiery and hot-tempered, you always find a way to keep calm, cool, and collected. Your laidback and low-key attitude is what flavors everything you do � from spending a day at the beach to hosting a backyard BBQ to watching movies at home. No matter what you're up to, it's sure to be fun and have a feel-good vibe. Cool!

Calm, cool and collected. Ha.

Friday night was Game Night (of Debauchery). Too bad we're boring now. Not really, but I know that Friday nights are not good for late nighters for me. And I was developing a migraine (which would reach fever pitch Saturday night). And I was still suffering from PMS bloating. And my appetite was so bad that only crap was appealing to me. Well, only cookies, fruit, and crackers. Not exactly substantial dining. It was fun, though, overall. J kind of gets on my nerves for several reasons. She has a habit of talking about people as soon as they leave the room. She bitches about not being able to get a real job when she has no discernable skills that set her apart from any other applicant. I asked her about training or schooling, but I'm not sure how motivated she is. She needs to focus on a field and get the training to do it (whether in school or on the job). And she's reconciling with her cheating boyfriend which is irony at its finest. And when you have to choose between her directions and mapquest, plan on getting lost.

It's always good to see everyone, though. We usually laugh a lot. Even though we were tired and J insisted on playing that lame ass Jeopardy game. Trivial Pursuit was fun. I owned that game with all of my useless knowledge. I didn't win, though.

The courts sent my sister home with her dad. Her mom said that she has him wrapped around her finger again. And she's out of school today and tomorrow. Anyway, her mom said she didn't ackowledge her presence at all in court. She's saying that her mom told her not to call her any more when all of the burglary/runaway drama was going on. She did say that, but not in that context, exactly. Both her mom and dad said that I should call because 'she never will.' Whatever that means. So I did on Saturday. She denied setting up the burglary. She said she had been staying at a house with a lot of people, including the guys who did it. That day she called her stepdad to come get her, and he said he'd be there in 45 minutes. She said he never showed up. I think she said she left and came back, then her neighbor popped his head out a window and said some guys were coming out the back of the house. She said she didn't go back to that house (the one she'd been staying in, non her mom's) after that, and had nowhere to stay. She said it was scary over there to be out at night by herself. I think that's when her mom's neighbors took her in for a few days after seeing her sitting on the sidewalk nearby. Fuck, I don't know. Something like that. I didn't react, I just let her talk. She seemed a lot more talkative and upbeat than I'm used to. We talked about getting together to hang out sometime. Not sure if she'll call me, or if I'll have to call her again.

What do I do? Do I believe her? I am glad she's living nearby and am hoping we can get to know each other, but I don't want to be a patsy. I don't want to try to buy her affections, which is a tactic used by her Dad's family, from what I've heard.

I asked her about the burglary saying that I'd only heard about it second hand (from her mom) and hadn't had a chance to ask her. (I really want to ask her about the alleged prostitution, too.) I did tell her that I was paranoid after the break in. Not that I don't have reason enough to be paranoid as it is, I told her I started carrying my gun again (which I did). I didn't tell her we changed the locks, but that had more to do with crappy locks than paranoia.

We even talked about the girl in the Creative Loafing story. I told her it was scary and bizarre to read that while she was in there and I had no idea what was going on with her. She said they mentioned it to her in the context of 'Do you want to end up like her?" She said they told her the girl had her head cut off, which I told her was not true.

That's enough for today. Must get on the treadmill like a good hamster.

Reading: The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Listening to: Freddie's Dead - Curtis Mayfield

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

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