Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2005 @ 6:30 pm
A for Annoyance

I'm a pretty pretty princess...and I hate you.


Dude, lay off the crank.

He likes to stretch out.


I forgot to copy and paste this a couple weeks ago:

Dell called me at work yesterday trying to sell me Comcast internet. Some sort of incentive with purchase, but I told them I wasn't interested. They asked who my ISP was. They tried to say, "Oh, well, you're paying $39.95 a month, right?" Uh, not with my discounts and $20 every month from work. Burn! And then I got two (more) AOL CDs - one with the PC, one with the printer. I added it the stack to go to these guys.

Where to start...annoyance. This entry is sponsored by the word annoyance. After my gynecologist appointment on Friday morning, I headed straight to AL. I got there around 11:30 their time. We decided to go to 'Dogtown' to look for a china cabinet. I found one that was almost perfect, but I'd forgotten to take measurements of the area where I want to put it. (Turns out it won't go there, without interferring with the doors to the washer/dryer area. Dammit.) There's no way I can find something like that here for $519, unless it's pressboard. I'm going to hit some yard sales and flea markets, I think.

We ate lunch at this country buffet place. All I could eat was beans, mashed potatoes, and crappy cornbread. Oh, and a sugar cookie. I just hoped the beans had no meat in them. The turnip greens obviously did, along with being cooked into mush. Did I mention how crappy the cornbread was? What else? Oh, we ordered pizza for dinner. Went to visit my aunt and uncle, Diane and Billy. Yeah, apparently they're all on speaking terms now. I don't know, I don't ask questions. I'm glad, though, because I've always enjoyed their company. She and one of her sons and two of her grandkids came over on Sunday for lunch. I swear, she needs her own reality show - Diane and the Little Darlins (as she calls them). Someone commented that the little girl had a bug bite or something on her face, and Diane said, "Well, I try not to leave a mark." She cracks me up. When the little girl pitched a fit (as she did every time her dad got out of her eyesight), she said, "Stop crying, you little brat!" I don't think anyone takes her seriously, unless she puts on her serious "don't jump on my furniture or they'll never find the bodies" face.

On Saturday I woke up around 4:30am and couldn't get back to sleep. I just read my book for a while. With the insomnia and boredom (and getting away from noisy visitors), I got a good chunk read of the book listed below. I'll finish it eventually. Barb and I went to the mall because D!llards was having a sale. I could not find anything that didn't have a ruffle, flower (what is up with those stupid attached flowers?), ribbon, glitter, or pastel color. That includes bras, which I cannot find that are front closure and not bullet-proof and/or lacey. I was quite disgusted. Dad had given me $100 and told me to by myself something. When I got back without buying anything besides some candles, he wouldn't take the money back. While we were gone, Dad washed, waxed, and vacuumed out my car. I told him I would help, but later on so I didn't have to take 3 showers in a day. Oh well.

We went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. As we were going in, Dad turned around and said, "You know, there's Mexicans in here." (That was him trying to be funny. I'll do a rundown of the offensiveness in a minute.) They said there was no lard in the beans, but I don't trust anyone any more. We got some movies, including Mystic River, which is on my Netflix list. Dad didn't want to watch it because he doesn't like Sean Penn. He was visiting the injured in hospitals in Pakistan or Afghanastan or somewhere. Barb said something about him "talking out against America" but wanted to see the movie. There was one instance where I wanted to say, "So? Isn't that one of the principles this country was founded on? Freedom to speak your mind? Gah!" I just rolled my eyes and watched the movie.

They seemed to get on my nerves much more that they usually do, and not just about the bigotted stuff. Before I even sat down when I got there Friday, they'd asked again if I ate fish. Barb went into that motherly voice about how fish had omegas that I needed. "Yeah, I'm still not going to eat it. There are other sources." My aunt joked with me quite a bit, and asked at one point what exactly I didn't eat. I just told her that if it had to die, I'm not eating it. That's a simple way to explain it, but doesn't put me in a good light with these rednecks. It isn't exactly my reasoning, but is a quick way to give them an idea of what I'll eat. They'll think I'm a tree-hugging liberal Birkenstock wearer. OK, no they won't.

Like I said, on Sunday my Aunt, cousin, cousin's kids, and my brother came for lunch. It was like a madhouse there, and after lunch when we visited Diane's house. Makes me want to hide, or get the hell out of there. Later we swam a bit, and I got out when I got pruney. I went in and discovered I should have left at least an hour before. I rushed out of there and forgot the blueberries she picked for me. I must have been flying, because I got home in a little over an hour around 6:00. Because I didn't take Monday off, I still had to iron clothes, go to the store, do laundry, clean the house, wash and cut produce...needless to say I didn't get all of that done.

Oh, Dad was going to give me the cuckoo clock he'd bought in Germany for my grandmother. It is so neat, and still functions smoothly and perfectly. Once he hung it up to make sure it was still working, I realized I'd have a problem with the cats. The chains hang to the ground as the weights lower, and dangly chains near the floor are just asking to be yanked. Dad said I should just shoot them. Yuck yuck. I couldn't put it in the bedroom because it'd drive me nuts, and I don't really have room in the other bedrooms in order to keep it behind a closed door.

That's enough for now.

Reading: Everything she Ever Wanted - Ann Rule
Listening to: The cats insisting that I'm starving them to death.

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh