Monday, Jul. 25, 2005 @ 5:28 pm
death and taxes, right?

My sister's adoptive parents were in court this past Wednesday. They tried to have her released to her Dad, and said they'd monitor her school attendance and go to counseling twice a month. Psh. Her parents objected, saying she'd surely run off again and/or get back in touch with the douchebag who was convicted of her statutory rape. So now she'll be going to a group foster home. She will have to "earn" weekend visits to her Dad's. She thought she was getting out. She's been told so many times there that she's such a model child and 'soooo sweet' that she figured it was all settled. She has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder* with depression and bi-polar disorder.

*Another hereditary disorder. Lovely.

I found out that Baby's blood pressure was 'good,' and that her blood work was still elevated but not higher than before. The vet says that this confirms that her kidneys are starting to fail. I'm to take her back in a month for another round of blood work. We're supposed to talk about fluid treatment, that she is 'borderline' to the point of needing it on a weekly basis. This is what the vet is doing with one of her own cats. She also mentioned fatty acids to be added to canned food daily. Other than that, there's nothing I can do except enjoy her while I still have her. I'm trying not to dwell on it. I know I can't expect her to live forever.

Yesterday we did our version of extreme gardening. We didn't start until around 6:00 and didn't finish until almost 10:00. We had bought some butterfly bushes and lilies last week but didn't have time to plant them. They sat in their pots in the flower bed this week looking like they might die. Anyway, we had to rake off the old pinestraw, dig the holes, lay out the weed blocker fabric, cut holes in it, plant the sad looking plants, and replace the pinestraw. Did I mention it was hot as hell? Well, they all had some dead branches or leaves, but didn't appear to be dead yet. The fact that they'd all outgrown the plastic pots they were in probably didn't help. I hope they make it, unlike my stargazer lilies I tried to grow in the house. What the hell can I plant in there? Another jade plant? It and the violets seem to be doing well, but the violets are too touchy. No more of those.

On Thursday and Friday I was working on a very small change to over a dozen programs at work. I needed to just change the html, compile it into test, then into production. There are more steps involved, of course, but it was a relatively small thing. This was complicated by the fact that there were several versions in various folders of most of the transactions' html, making it hard to determine which one to go with. (Not that I've never done it.) Not to mention that some were currently being worked on. So I got most of that handled Thursday, and on Friday was set to put stuff in test. Errors errors errors. I get easily overwhelmed when I'm trying to hurry to get stuff done (since I got off at noon), and have a list of transactions with a list of steps involved. I have to have checklists when I'm working with that many programs or I'll forget something. Then my ISP (at home) kept disconnecting me in the middle of stuff. And then my coworker who was helping me kept calling because unlike me, he'd rather talk on the phone than email. He ended up staying there with another coworker until 6:00 Friday night. Granted it was not my fault, but I felt responsible for dropping it in his lap like that. I'm rambling, but my point is that I felt like pulling my hair out. I couldn't concentrate or remember where I'd gotten files. I felt...flustered? I don't know. It happened again this morning when I realized that two of the jobs had not been updated in production because I'd left them off the list I'd sent my coworker on Friday like an idiot. How can I be so careless? Maybe it's PMS.

Reading: Everything She Ever Wanted - Ann Rule
Listening to: In the Springtime of His Voodoo - Tori Amos

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh