Tuesday, Jul. 12, 2005 @ 5:28 pm
whining, shopping, stressing, and bitching

And now I'm depressed. When asked about my 'vacation', I say I don't consider it a vacation. First, we visited his mom twice, and then only spent about a day and a half in Charleston. We didn't go anywhere, and the hotel sucked. Whoopdeedoo. The funny thing is, he probably thinks it's a vacation and I'm happy with it. And now I sound like a spoiled brat who can never be satisfied, but really, would you be? And it's even worse that my office mate and his family spent all week there and did all the things I had wanted to do.

Let's see, what else is going on? I did some last minute shopping before the trip last week. I got a new electric toothbrush. I paid less for it though, because I had a coupon. I've had a problem with receding gums since 5th grade. Back then it was only a problem on my lower front teeth, where there's some tendon or something connected there that pulls down on my gums. I remember when I had retainers they put a bar behind my lower teeth to prevent them from tilting back and possibly popping out of socket. It's been suggested that I have that thing snipped. I may still do that. Anyway, now I have recession on the upper gums too, showing the edge of a solid porcelain crown on an upper front tooth. Jeff and my dentist assure me it is not noticeable and that no one looks at it from 2 inches away, as I do. But the recession is a concern. I bought a cheap drugstore electric toothbrush six months ago, and have liked it ok. It was too loud to use in the morning, though. I was hoping the new one wouldn't be, especially after hearing the one my brother has. Well, this one is awfully 'buzzy,' to use the term the dental hygienist used. She was right. I'm not sure it would wake Jeff, though. He can sleep through almost anything.

We also hit Old Navy for some t-shirts for Jeff without Dale Earnhardt Jr. on them. (He gets most of them for free from the tool companies with which he spends lots of money.) I also wanted more capris, which I'm more comfortable in than shorts. The problem is that they're usually too long, so I have to either fold them up or cut them off. Or the waist is so low as to show my underwears. Or they have some stupid design on the pockets. Anyway, I only ended up with one pair that was acceptable. Not even Target or Kohl's had any.

From Clark Howard's show notes:

Office temperature affects productivity
The No. 1 office complaint in the summertime is that the temperature is too cold. In fact, as it gets cooler in the office, productivity goes down. Raising the temperature causes work production to go up. Productivity goes up 150 percent when the room warms up, according to a study by Cornell University. Clark would think the opposite would occur, but evidently not. Try turning up the air and see how your workers respond.

Ya think? Maybe they can do something about the meat locker I call an office. It's actually been brought up to maintenance, the fact that in the same zone, the office temps can differ as much as 10 degrees. For example, as low as 68 in my office, as high as 80 in offices at the end of the line.

From WebMD's Assess Your Stress:

I feel tired or have a lack of energy.
You answered: Sometimes

I have trouble sitting still or concentrating.
You answered: Sometimes

I have problems getting to or staying asleep at night.
You answered: Fairly often

I feel pain in my chest and shortness of breath.
You answered: Rarely

I am constipated or have diarrhea.
You answered: Rarely

I feel nervous, and shake or sweat a lot.
You answered: Sometimes

I have an upset stomach and muscle aches, especially in my back, neck, or shoulders.
You answered: Sometimes

I have headaches.
You answered: Sometimes

I smoke and/or drink alcohol.
You answered: Rarely

I have gained or lost more than 10 pounds.
You answered: Rarely

Results: Stress and your health: When should you seek help?
20-30 points
This score suggests that stress may be starting to affect your health. You may want to discuss stress management techniques with your health care provider. In addition, examine those questions that earned a high score. Can you determine the source of these difficulties? Are there things you can do right away to help reduce stress in those areas?

How the hell should I know? I have just about all of the physical signs.

I called the fire department on the trash-burning neighbors. The fire truck came out, but without sirens. Two guys got out and went to their door. In the time it took for me to set down my purse, pee, call Jeff, and call the fire dept. number to be told that yes, I still need to call 911, the billowing of smoke had died down. They will probably know that it was me since I'd just gotten home. I don't fucking care.

I got back on the fitness wagon yesterday. Today...eh. I'll go and do something after entering this. I don't want to, but I know I'll probably be in a bathing suit next month, even if it is just in front of my out of shape parents.

Reading: nothing
Listening to: Drinking & Driving - Black Flag

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh