Monday, Dec. 20, 2004 @ 4:57 pm
massages and haircuts and parties, oh my

Yes, it is always funny.

Stink eye.

Look at the feets.

My parents hate me.

I got your comb over right here.

Let's see, the massage on Friday was fabulous of course. I tried to keep my mouth shut, since I have a bad habit of chatting too much during the rub down. Jeff gave me a check for another gift certificate for 12 more massages to last me until my birthday in June. Spoiled spoiled spoiled, I am.

When I got home there was a letter in the mail from my sister. It was pretty short. She was just saying that on the day she met me was the happiest she's been in a while, and that she was glad she has a sister. I am too, actually, having two older brothers. She talked a bit about herself. She mentioned the program she's in, and that she's gotten 'closer to God.' She mentioned God several times, and even asked me if I was a christian toward the end. Uh oh. I panicked a bit when I first read it. I posted on a message board, and talked to a few friends and Jeff. I decided not to reply to the letter yet, since I doubted I could write it and get it to her before she got here on Wednesday. I'm not going to bring it up. If she asks, I'll just say no hoping that will be the end of it.

Knowing how my mind works, of course I'm thinking of the worst possible scenarios - them thinking I'm a bad person because I'm not a christian, them trying to 'save' me, them deciding not to associate with me since I'm not a christian, trying to find out what I am if not christian (which could lead to debate, and I'm sure they do not want to hear my opinions on it), badgering me about attending church...etc. I guess if they ask about what I am, I'll say I'd rather not discuss it. If they want to save me or badger me about going to church, I'll say that I appreciate their concern, but am not interested. If they decide I'm a bad person, I'll say I'm sorry that they feel that way, but it ain't gonna happen. I'm going to play it like a defendant on the witness stand - say as little as possible.

On Saturday I went to my stylist's new salon. It's a funky old house in downtown of the city I live in. It's got these high ceilings and wood floors. Each room is painted a different vibrant color. I like most of them (purple in the room where they wash your hair, red in the room where my stylist's chair is) except the pepto pink in the receptionist's area.

(Speaking of pink, I got a package from the soldier who I send packages to and correspond with in Iraq. It was a shock! She did ask for my address a few days ago, but I figured she'd send me some sort of christmas greeting. It was a huge basket full of all of these bath products - shower gel, bath fizzies, lotion, candles, bath beads, etc. The only problem was that everything was pink. Hey, she doesn't know I'm offended by pink! So of course I thanked her via email and told her it was very generous and unexpected. I have time to send her one more package before her unit is out of there, so I'll make it a good one. Oh, I ended up taking all of the stuff to the party at missleigh's and letting everyone take their pick.)

Where was I? Oh. The new salon sells Aved@ products, and I was overwhelmed by the selection. I asked about a heavier moisturizer to counteract the Proact!v and cold dry air, but would not break me out. They gave me a hard time about continuing the Proact!v because it at least partly contributes to the flakiness. I'm afraid not to use it, though, since when I've tried I broke out. I'd rather be a little dry than broken out. I do that enough as is. I ended up buying a sample of the AllSensitive moisturizer. I have too many hair products to use up before I buy any more. I'm hoping I can get small sample sizes, since the prices are a bit much to try something out.

Sunday night was the party at Leigh's. I got there early so we could exchange gifts. I got her a Bare Escentu@ls starter kit she wanted, $50, and some leaf glass xmas ornaments I thought she'd like. She got me this shirt, which says Qu3ens of the St0ne Age on the back. I think I actually squealed. I'm too cheap to buy it for myself. Same with the Bath & Body Works Buttercream Frosting body butter. It smells like icing. Mmmmmm. She also gave me a lavender eye pillow. I loved everything. It was a very thoughtful gift.

So yeah, we had fun and laughed a lot. We played X-rated Pictionary as usual, and I had to draw qu33f. Paula guessed in less than 10 seconds. We rock.

Reading: The I-5 Killer - Ann Rule
Listening to: nothing

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh