Sunday, Jun. 06, 2004 @ 10:41 am
It's short people discrimination, I tell ya!

OK, so now he's offering to take me to Olive Garden on my birthday. See? Multiple personality. So, missleigh's taking me somewhere the night before, and he's taking me on the night of my birthday. Not bad! And why do so many occassions and holidays revolve around food?

I went to get my yearly eye exam Friday. The doctor told me I was not a good candidate for LASIK due to having had 2 eye surgeries in the past, and not so good vision correction. Apparently the lazy eye and subsequent surgeries affected my vision development as a child, meaning my vision will never be better than it is. I think the bad eye was something like 20/60, and the good eye 20/30. That's as good as the latter can be, and I only have a minimal amount of prescription strength in the contact for that eye. Anyway, she said that no reputable doctor would operate and risk any complications with the good eye, which could leave me having to rely on the bad eye. She did say that my vision is only moderately bad, so to speak. I was worried because one eye went from -1.50 to -1.75, but she said that some brands go up to -20, so no worries. I'm disappointed about the LASIK, though. Good thing I didn't set up that medical spendig account.

I'm wondering how that last year of only one pair of contacts affected my vision. They were so filthy by the end that I could barely see. Now I've used disposables for the past year, so I'm sure that helps.

B and I went shopping Friday afternoon with her baby, Molly. I swear that is a freak baby. She barely made a sound the whole time, through 3 stores.

I was looking for shorts and capris, for working out and in denim. Anything that is labeled as capri falls just above my ankle, so it just looks like I'm wearing high-waters and/or my pants shrunk. I have a few pair that are made to be rolled up so I can adjust them, and at least one pair that are cut off from regular length jeans. The thing is, most of the shorts they sell now are too short. I just don't feel comfortable in short shorts, never have. (Remember those Garrett Middle School P.E. shorts, anyone?) And because Kohl's didn't have any of the Levi's women's shorts in my size, I got men's. (And why is it that everywhere I went had every size but mine? It was sizes 1 (or zero!) and 3, then 9 or 11 and up.) I got the smallest waist size I could find. And now that I've gotten them home and tried them on again, I think they're too long. They fall right above my knee, thus possibly making me look like a dweeb. Oh, well. I can always cut them. At least they don't show my butt crack like most of the junior's shorts options.

I better get busy ironing and such.

Reading: More, Now, Again: A Memoir of Addiction - Elizabeth Wurtzel
Listening to: Bowtie - Outkast

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh