Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002 @ 6:07 pm
Enough with the covers, Joan!

Leigh and I went to see Joan Osborne Tuesday night. It was a very laid back atmosphere, which we enjoyed. The opening act/backup singer was Sissy Siero, and was not half bad. She had a good voice, anyway. Another bonus was no smoking in the auditorium. I have to say that I was disappointed in Joan's song list because the majority was from her new album of covers. Don't get me wrong, Joan rocks. I just like her songs better. She only played Spiderwebs, Ladder, St. Theresa, and One of Us (did we have to go there?). She played another song from her last album, Righteous Love, but it was the Dylan cover To Make You Feel My Love. What, no Billie Listens, Flyaway, even Son of a Preacher Man (from Early Recordings)? No Crazy Baby? No "panties in a wad at the bottom of my purse" (from Right Hand Man - Relish)? I can't complain too much. We'd been wanting to see her live for a long time, and she was on point. She did say she had a new album and she had to "work it." And guessing from the small venue and diminished sales of her last 2 albums, she may be struggling. I can't understand why a talent like Joan struggles and Britney Spears is a millionaire.


I am feeling like a leper. I'm also having flashbacks of my teen years. My face is badly broken out, and I timed my dermatologist appointment perfectly. Tuesday night I got depressed before the concert. Leigh asked if I still wanted to go, and assured me it was not as bad as I thought. I don't want to leave my office at work, I don't want to look people in the eye, I don't want to be in public. I feel deformed, like I have a flipper or a celery hand or something.

I had an appointment with my dermatologist yesterday. We discovered that I'd been seeing him since 1988. Sheesh. I had just wondered aloud to Leigh what I would do if he retires. He said they'd have to drag him out of there. We discussed my options. One is to go back on Accutane. We put that off for now based on my concerns about the cold and dry winter months making the cracking and bleeding worse. He ended up putting me back on minocycline for a month or two (to see if we can get it back under control), and an antibiotic lotion called clino-something-cin. He also gave me samples of Cetaphil cleanser and told me to stop using the Proactiv for now. It's strange. The Proactiv is very drying, even with my oily skin. But today I'm not that oily even using the gentle Cetaphil. The lotion is supposed to cause dry skin, though. I don't know.

I'm also concerned about the effects the antibiotic may have on my birth control pills. Should I use a "backup method"? We both hate condoms. What else is there? The spermicidal gel is irritating and not foolproof. Abstinence? Not likely.


Filo's growing up so fast!!! (sniff)

And here's our lazy ball python, James Dean.

He's doing much better, though in the picture he doesn't look like it. We may need to soak him in the ShedEase one more time, but it and the branch has helped. I told him he couldn't eat until he removed all of the dead skin. Is that cruel when he can go a month or more without eating? Ah, well. He knows I don't really mean it. Look at the cats. Does it look like we deprive them of food?


I ended up getting a spermicidal gel. I don't want to take any chances.

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh