Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2006 @ 10:17 pm
chocolate city

But did they remove the cat?

More redneck dumbassery.

I've not been going to bed early enough, resulting in sleeping late, and sometimes I swear my alarm doesn't go off at all. Either that, or I hit snooze while still asleep. Then I have to get up and feed the cats, put on my makeup, give Rufus his medicine (after food), get dressed, start the car, pack my lunch and leave. I've been getting into work after 7:00, which sucks ass. When I stay after 3:30 (usually 4:15 or so), traffic sucks ass. It took me an hour to get home yesterday. Then I had to melt chocolate to make chocolate covered strawberries. I figured it'd be better than candy, cake or cookies for V Day. Yeah, we don't make a big deal of it. He got me roses. Anyway, the strawberries turned out ok. I ran out of strawberries because some of them weren't suitable, so I started to look for stuff to dip in chocolate (milk and white). All I found were graham crackers. They aren't bad. I briefly considered swedish fish, but didn't think that would work. Too bad I didn't have pretzels or PB & Ritz crackers or something.

I got a call from Danielle's mom. She said that after Danielle got off the phone with me on Monday, she pitched a fit in front of her Dad and her counselor. She even threw things. Her Dad was glad in a way because the counselor finally saw what he has to deal with, her flipping on a dime. Her mom and I were comparing notes on what her Dad has told her, and what Danielle told me. She gives me a sanitized version of actual events, apparently. She seems to still want me to have good thoughts about her. I told her about the birth control conversation we had, and asked if I should offer to take her to the health department. She thought it was a great idea, but wanted to run it by Danielle's dad first. I think she'd be less resistant to the idea if her mom and dad aren't involved. She did express interest in getting an exam due to her, um, issues. Hopefully between the info I printed for her and any info the health department can provide, she'll be convinced to do it. I know it's kind of strange to force her into it, but none of us can trust that she'll be responsible.

UPDATE: Her Dad thinks that's a great idea. I just have to find out what she needs to bring with her (picture ID, or whatever) and if she can come in with or without an appointment. I hope she will agree to it.

Shaggy came in to eat last night, but then wandered out as we let Filo back in. After that, she was nowhere to be seen. At least it wasn't as cold last night. I don't think she likes us any more. Fucker.

Reading: various magazines, currently Spin and Herbivore
Listening to: got the time tick tick ticking in my head

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh