Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 @ 7:16 pm
Gravel Throat

I took off on Monday to go hang out with Leigh. We had Tofurkey sammiches, watched a movie, then had some s'mores. Fun times. Then in the afternoon, I started feeling crappy. Traffic sucked getting home, and it just got worse as I sat in the car. I did see lightning strike a phone pole, so that was cool.

I found three thermometers under the bathroom sink. One or two of those I've had since I left my Dad's house, I'm pretty sure. I shook the mercury down below 98, then sat for around 5 minutes with the thing in my mouth. It hadn't moved, so I left it in a few more minutes. It was nearly 100. I tried again on another thermometer and got the same results. I asked Jeff is he knew if the mercury would go higher than the actual temperature if you left the thing in your mouth for too long. He asked me if I was trying to be sick. You know what? Fuck off. No, I'd just like to know the correct temperature, asshat.

I woke up Tuesday feeling crappy and like my throat was on fire as well as coated with gravel. I stayed home and watched the History Channel most of the day. They were showing stuff on WWII and Hitler all day, and I'm fascinated with that stuff. But I'm confused, I thought it was a myth that Hitler was a vegetarian. One of the programs made that claim while discussing his health conditions and various drug addictions. Hmmm. Then I spilled an entire cup of water on the nightstand. Dammit.

So I'm at work today but I doubt I'll be here for eight hours. My throat feels better, but I still sound like a frog. And my sinuses are throbbing (but not in a good way). And I needed gas this morning, but stop at the Chevr0n near the highway first. All of the pumps have out of order signs, but I thought they just meant the card readers. I stop at one and try to start the pump. Either the cashier had her head up her ass, or they weren't selling gas at all. Either way, I didn't have time for that shit. So I go across the street to the BeePee, and their reader doesn't work either. Fuck. Look, I know convenience store owners are sweating because they can't get people to come in any more, but I'm not buying any HoHos, asshole. Fuck.

I left at 12:30, after my new boss finally got back from a meeting. I figured I'd better talk to him face to face since I had only left a message Tuesday morning. It was no big deal, but I'm paranoid like that.

Reading: Lust Killer - Ann Rule
Listening to: Freddie's Dead - Curtis Mayfield

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh