Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2004 @ 5:04 pm
scoot to the edge of the table

I hope!

And another hopeful possibility.

Wow, I got busy for a minute there. I had a decent weekend. Friday I went to the GYN and had a massage, so it was a touchy-feely, pokey proddy kind of day. I was lamenting to my doctor about how I was not able to provide a stool sample and my treatment for possible IBS was stalled there. I asked, "Isn't there another way they can do that?" She said, "This really bothers you, doesn't it?" She said that she didn't see why they couldn't go ahead and send me to a gastro-whatever doc, and said she would do it if my primary doctor gave me any hassle about it. So yeah, it's no wonder I've followed her to 3-4 different offices. I haven't done anything yet. Perhaps it's because my digestion is pretty normal right now. I bet I'll be more motivated if the problems were to reappear.

On Saturday I went dress shopping with one of the bridesmaids for missleigh's wedding. We found one sort of similar to mine, but not too much. We'll be like the Supremes. OK, maybe not.

Speaking of my dress, I got a call yesterday from the shop saying that my dress was in over a month before they said it would be. Now I'm wondering if the $40 for the 'rush' was even necessary. Now I need to make an appointment to see what alterations are needed (a hem is a definite), and decide what shoes and undergarments to wear with it.

I also need to address and fill out the shower invitations so they can be mailed this weekend. I need to decide on a menu and figure out who's doing what (I can't do and pay for it all). Decorations, games (if any?)...

So as I'm looking into the cabinet last night to see if I need anything besides Holy Basil, B@rlean's and N@turalean when I make my supplement order, Jeff asks what the Naturalean is for. It says it "accelerates the loss of body fat while maintaining muscle tissue integrity." He says, "So it's a workout in a bottle?" I say, "But I am working out, so fuck off." He then tells me that our neighbor asked him, "What does she want to be, a stick?" and that I didn't need to lose any more weight. I had a reaction that was...interesting. I asked, "What's it to him? What brought on that comment? Why were you two discussing this?" He said something about me being his wife and some other stuff, but I left the room and couldn't hear his mumbling. I think he thought I was mad, but I was more curious than anything.

Time to go jump on the hamster wheel, er, treadmill.

Reading: Fat Land - Greg Critser
Listening to: news on the TV in the other room

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swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh