Friday, Jun. 11, 2004 @ 11:54 am
How am I doing?

A box with the following popped up on my work PC yetserday when I logged on:

"This computer is property of the .....and is to be used for conducting official state business. You are legally responsible for your activities pursuant to Chapter # of Title ## of the Official Code of blah blah Policy ### (Use of Electronic Communication Systems)..., as well as all applicable state and federal laws. By continuing, you agree to abide by all established ... policies on computer use."

Uh huh. I vaguely remember a brief dream about someone at work commenting on where I go online there. Weird. I did not go to my message board until lunch time, and then only for a few minutes. I've been sort of paranoid about some of the stuff I post there, thinking someone could see it (being of a personal nature). And I'd spend nearly all day there. Of course, my boss has never had a problem as long as I get my work done, which I do. Well, as long as I didn't surf for porn or something. I'll play it by ear.

I'm trying to remain upbeat considering I have a decent weekend planned. Today I'll watch a movie, do a short workout, and go get a massage. Tomorrow I'll piddle around the house until it's time to go to missleigh's. We're going jewelry shopping and then to dinner (and chocolate cake), where we have reservations (ooh la la!). Then Sunday is my birthday and Jeff is taking me to dinner at my favorite pasta place. Mmmm...portabella ravioli. Anyway, I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I'm feeling sort of off, or sad, or melancholy, or a buried sense of dread, or something. I'm not sure why. I don't think it's the fact that I'm about to be 30. I should take some Holy Basil (Batman!).

Speaking of being 30, I don't think I can shop at Snot Gothic any more. Though I'd like these shirts. I like this one, but the color is putrid. Leigh needs this one. This one is for Jen. (Don't ask.)

I thought I'd go back and re-evaluate my goals for this year. Here's where I stand with my fitness:

lbs - down .5 (Yes, it is significant considering it's been the same since February despite constant workouts.)

arms - same (though improving in tone, especially biceps)

chest - down 1" (OK, that's enough.)

waist - down .5"

hips - same

thighs - same

I'm feeling more and more fit. I'm liking the emerging muscle tone. It's like I'm toning up from the extremities inward. My limbs, back, upper abs, and face have all slimmed down. Now my lower abs, hips, and thighs need more work. Time to up the cardio, which I started this week. For the past four days I've done the following: interval aerobics, treadmill, kickboxing, treadmill (about an hour!). And today my legs are sore, so I'll just do weights.

Financial goals:

- Open a 401K for Jeff...

- Purchase life insurance for Jeff...

- I think we should also do a will...

- Transfer my (and maybe Jeff's) credit card balance to a 0% intro rate credit card and pay that fucker down...
No, but we ended up doing the home equity line of credit, which has worked out great so far. If I use my credit card (usually online), I pay it off at the end of the month. His credit card account was closed, as well as one of his tool accounts. We're still looking for a new(er) truck for Jeff, which the line was also allotted for.

- Start putting a set amount a month into my savings account.
Sort of. There's no rhyme or reason to it, but I've been putting in $100 here, $200 there.

- Up my deferred compensation (401K) contributions.

- Start a medical spending account in order to pay for LASIK...
No. It was too close with the deadline for the account, then I was told I'm not a good candidate. Oh, well.

Wow, this is the longest entry I've done in a while (it seems). Good thing I'm done.

Reading: More, Now, Again: A Memoir of Addiction - Elizabeth Wurtzel
Listening to: Am I the One - Beth Hart

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh