Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004 @ 5:07 pm
wash, rinse, repeat

Dude, I'm not even a christian. Better sleep with one eye open, buddy.

Damned flatulent smokers.

From Mos Def - Speed Law

My joint's so passionate
Make you peal out and mash your shit
Get wild cold crash your whip
Front chassis wrecked, but ock you can't be too upset
Tow truck got my tape in the deck
I'm permanent like tattoos and birthmarks
Third degree burn marks
Driving on tracks like Dale Earnhardt..


I got a massage Friday. The massage therapist, who I've been going to for over a year, said, "You're look like you're losing weight. Are you losing weight?" I said, "I hope so." At first, I thought she says this to everyone. But, she's never said that in the year plus I've been her client. Hmmmm. I'm due to measure and weigh myself this week, so we'll see.

I had an ok weekend, busy as usual. I got a lot done, but it was just stuff I'll have to do again next weekend - cleaning, laundry, filing, etc. I feel like we need to take a vacation to get some stuff done, like finally finishing the workout/NASCAR room. We still have some touchups to do, as well as painting the closet door. We have to get one more coat of paint on the porch rails, since the weather got bad last fall before we could finish. We still need to re-do the master bathroom, since we pretty much bought everything we needed when we bought the stuff for the front bathroom (flooring, accessories). Bah.

We replaced the light kit on our ceiling fan this weekend. No big deal, right? Well, because Jeff did not remove the plate that goes between the fan and the light kit, I wasted an hour of my time at Lowes yesterday. That's an hour I'll never get back. (Jeff tried to go there Monday morning, but traffic was too bad. Supposedly.) I had already called 3-4 times from work, being transferred from returns to receiving to the service desk and back. Someone in receiving finally found the box and would "put it aside" for me. When I got there at 4:30, everyone from receiving had gone home. I was told that no one had a key to "the cage," which was a lie. The girl went back there twice more, twice bringing out the wrong item. Finally someone with sense walked me back there so I could point it out and make sure I got the right piece, and the three screws that go with it.

I did good, I did not snap on anyone. I did look at my watch several times, thinking they're cutting into my workout time. I still worked out for an hour when I got home, dammit, so I didn't have time to post this entry yesterday. When I finished my workout, my jaw was all clenched and sore. I thought the workout would help my mood, but I don't know.

You're India!

A great thinker and leader, you have a great deal of power despite
being really poor. You like movies, cows, and you probably are a vegetarian and may even be a pacifist. You've probably been moving away from pacifism
lately, though, as you get more and more defensive that everyone around you is trying to hurt you. How about a nice game of chess?

Take the Country Quiz

at the Blue Pyramid

From The Surrealist Compliment Generator (because I'm easily amused):

-Your face is like an imperfectly shaven tennis ball.

-Sir, you have most exquisite breasts.

-Many sausages have known things before you had time to react.

-Your Hands do the work of 10,000 highly trained lesbian jumping beans.

-Cretins and vermin cannot compare with the depths of your lassitude.

-In caressing your follicles I am only vaguely reminded of the bitter harvest.

-You are as dazzling as a pregnant cow attired in electrical sockets.

-Your hair is reminiscent of a digesting yak.

-Soft sausages would gladly procreate in the bathwater of your verisimilitude.

-The expansion (and resultant rapid cooling) of your consecrated culotte sings the golden turnip with the mulatto touch-typist in my pants.

Reading: Fast Food Nation - Eric Schlosser, too many damn magazines
Listening to: evening news in the other room

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh