Wednesday, Dec. 05, 2001 @ 5:29 pm
colorectal is a disturbing word

My boss's boss was hospitalized last Friday. She had lost circulation to both her legs. They found out that her blood count was only 4, where it should be 12 for a woman. Mine has been as low as 7 (I think). I can't imagine how she was functioning, and even coming to work. She has lost quite a bit of weight recently, also. Well, they found a growth on her colon, which turned out to be cancerous. Colon cancer. Scary. It's also kind of a sign for me.

I know that colon cancer can be caused by eating to much red meat, and a high fat/low fiber diet. Meat takes so long to digest, so it just sits in your intestines. The book I just read talked about how natural herbivores' digestive tracks are similar to those of humans. This means that the intestine is 20 times the body's length, which is meant for digesting plant material. The digestive tracks of carnivores like leopards (I think) are much shorter, which is ideal for digesting meat. The idea is to get the meat in and outta there before anything bad can happen. This makes a lot of sense to me. It gives me something else to say besides "because of the cruelty of factory farms" or "because it's better for my body."

I was thinking of how my family will react when they see me not eating ham with everyone else on christmas eve. One response that will hopefully quell any arguments is "It's not up for debate. It's my decision, and you will not talk me out of it. I have done (and am doing) the research to see how this is good for my body, as well as how to replace the protein and fats from meat to keep my diet balanced. So drop it." Who knows. It may work. I have a feeling there will be eye-rolling on their part.

I've also been thinking of my new year's resolutions. The main one is to become a vegetarian (which means eliminating poultry and seafood - since I already stopped eating beef and pork). Another could be to resume my workout routine and improve my diet (i.e. cut back on sweets). One I've already been working on is to be more affectionate and give my husband more attention. During the week, I'm so caught up in the things I need to get done and trying to get in bed at a decent hour, that it's almost like we're roommates. I go to bed sometimes 2 hours before he does. During the weekend, though, it's different.

It's strange. It's like we've switched roles. Early in our marriage, I was the more affectionate one and he was the aloof one. Now it's reversed. I'm trying to lighten up, though. I can't let the dishes keep me from showing my husband that I love him. I try to at least sit down and talk to him every night. This whole thing with my Dad and stepmother has been eye-opener, too. I guess I get a lot of it from my Dad, who is also not very affectionate. It really hurts my stepmother that he seems to want nothing to do with her. I can see how Jeff would think that. I act irritated most of the time, and run around like a headless chicken trying to get things done. And all the while I'm not even hugging or kissing him. I must work on that. I cannot turn into my Dad.

Listening to:

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh