Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2001 @ 4:48 pm
Meet your Meat

I am torn about becoming a vegetarian. My best friend, Leigh, has been one for years. She has never forced her views on me. She'll answer any questions I have if asked.

I stopped eating processed meat a few years ago while taking the acne drug Accutane. A side effect of it was that it raised my triglycerides and cholesterol. So I quit eating fried foods, as well as ground beef. The elimination of ground beef was due to the high amount of fat in it, as well as the questionable cleanliness of the equipment and people who process it. From that, I extended it to any processed meat - sausage, anything ground, sandwich meat (though I occasionally eat turkey at Subway), bacon, hot dogs, etc.

I also recently stopped buying products from companies that test on animals, for the most part. Sometimes it's hard to find good replacements to my favorite products. And it's especially hard to find products like soap and laundry detergent that my husband likes, too. I had to go back to Dove because he didn't like any of the three soaps I bought at the health food store.

Well, at this time I also joined PETA. Though I don't always agree with their guerilla tactics, they get things done. I had even been in email correspondence with a lady from PETA about the companies that make some of the products I use - how to contact them, how they could be put on PETA's list of companies that do not test if so inclined.

I watched a video on PETA's website about pig farming very recently that prompted me to eliminate pork from my diet. I only eat pork chops since bacon and sausage were already out of my diet, so that wasn't hard. I have eaten it twice since I made this decision - once when Jeff got a pork roast instead of beef, and again when I relented due to a lack of meal choices we both liked. I also saw a truck carrying chickens on the highway once that disgusted and enraged me. I know how inhumane the farmers are who produce meat and dairy products. It's just been hard for me to finally do what I know is right.

Well, today I watched a 10 minute PETA video that showed footage of dairy cows, beef cattle, pigs, chickens and turkeys. I was in tears. They showed baby chicks getting their beaks ripped off, pigs and chickens being beaten, veal calfs, and all of them being hung by one leg and slaughtered while still alive. I knew about all of this already, but seeing it makes it more real.

I have decided to reinstate my ban on pork, and am seriously considering eliminating beef. As it is, I only eat the occasional steak, roast, or beef stew. This is so hard. I hope I have the will power and determination to do this. I eat a lot of chicken and turkey, and seafood almost every week. Man, this is going to be hard. Maybe I can return to peta.org and watch a video, look at pictures, or read an article if my motivation wavers.

My husband may be a problem, too. He's a meat-and-potatoes man. Our restaurant selection is already severely limited, and this would eliminate many more. Especially if I decide to go completely vegetarian. (Vegan is the goal, but a lofty one at this point.) I would be reduced to eating salads wherever he wants to go, and he does not like places that have a good vegetarian selection (Chili's, TGI Fridays, etc.).

I did order a free GoVeg kit from GoVeg.com. It includes recipes and tips on making the transition. Maybe that and having Leigh's input will help.

Well, I can still eat Portabello Ravioli at Olive Garden. I love that place. Mmmm....alfredo sauce.

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh