Sunday, Feb. 05, 2006 @ 7:59 pm
more bitchy than usual

Because I don't want to type it all over again, here are posts copied from a message board chronicling Saturday night and Sunday:

Sunday 12:08 am
Rufus has been acting increasingly strange tonight. He's a pissy cat anyway, but this is strange. He won't eat, even wet food. He's growling at nearly anyone who gets near him. He jumped on the couch and got into a bed next to me, then proceeded to growl and whine (and toss and turn) even though I wasn't bothering him. It scared me, along with the not eating. Everything else could be attributed to bitchiness. He doesn't appear to be injured and is not getting sick. I can't think of anything he could get into that would be harmful. Also, his breathing seems to be accelerated, but I could be wrong.


12:17 am
No drooling, no vomiting, no tremors, just pissiness when you get near him or try to pet him. He's been quiet for the past hour or two. The incident above happened around 9:30 or 10:00. I'm leaving him alone for the most part, hoping he'll just calm down. I put a few pieces of food next to him, but he didn't eat. I just don't want to overreact. I'm already well on my way to crazy cat lady town.


12:45 am
I re-assessed his breathing, and it may not be elevated. I tried to touch his belly but he growled, of course. I'm leaning toward seeing how he is in the morning. I hope I can get a couple hours sleep.

ETA: He growls if you touch him anywhere, or even look at him too closely/long.


8:19 am
He's more calm this morning, but still won't eat. He's not growling at anyone, and he let me scratch his head. I'm taking him somewhere as soon as I finish my bagel. I'm suspecting he could have a urinary blockage even though he's fixed. I don't know why I suspect that, but I don't want to wait until Monday. I almost lost one because of that, but it was before he was fixed.


11:36 am
They're keeping him for a few hours to do subQ fluids and a urinalysis. His bladder was small and he was slightly dehydrated, but they couldn't find a blockage (and his bladder would have been enlarged). I'll probably have to take him to his regular vet tomorrow for bloodwork or other stuff, but the fluids will help him until then. He's still pretty calm, and none of the behavior from last night. They were trying to get him to eat, also.


3:20 pm
The emergency vet just called. He's still not eating, but is stable. No infection, no blockage, no diabetes, no growling, etc. Bloodwork there would be $175, much more expensive than my regular vet. I just hope he'll be ok until I take him there.


4:46 pm
I just got him home and he ate his normal dry food with no problem. Well, after he used the litter box. I'm taking him to my normal vet tomorrow for bloodwork as a precaution. The emergency vet is faxing his other results to them.


6:24 pm
Even more strange behavior - he got in my lap a while ago when I sat in the floor next to him. He hasn't done that since he was still on the porch. We'd even joked that now that I'd brought him in, he didn't need to butter me up. He seems almost normal, if a little subdued. His appetite is back to normal, too. I still plan to take him in tomorrow for bloodwork as a precaution.

I asked my husband last night, "I'm crazy cat lady, aren't I?" He said, "Well the house doesn't smell like a litter box, so I'd say no."

Add to that that I took Baby and Buzz in on Friday for bloodwork, and I'll hear about the results tomorrow. Buzz is back up to 13.5 lbs, and needs to stop right there.

Add to that the father of a longtime friend of mine died rather suddenly this morning. He was my Dad's age. It's so hard for me to determine a happy medium in these situations between being all up in someone's face, and showing no concern at all. My first inclination is to back off and offer my sympathies and ask them to call if they need anything. I guess everyone is different, mourner or supportive friend.

Alright, I've procrastinated on the ironing for long enough.

Reading: Love Me To Death - Steve Jackson
Listening to: Stay Fly - Three 6 Mafia

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh