Thursday, Dec. 29, 2005 @ 10:28 am
crazy cat lady

I've been to the vet way too many times recently. The various blood tests for Baby; the vaccinations & neuter, then booster for Rufus; Buzz's homecoming checkup (to be followed up 3 weeks from now); and now Baby's re-check and teeth cleaning (which I'd never gotten around to after finding out about the renal issues). I just took her yesterday, and her levels are still elevated but lower than last time (2.9 down from 3.3). I'll pick her up this afternoon. Luckily the vet who cares for her is very caring and thorough, and will monitor her closely as well as give her fluids during the procedure. I hate to put her through all that, but I don't want her to lose any more teeth.

I let Buzz out of the bathroom yesterday. There was hissing, mainly from him. He hissed at Baby once, but got over that really quickly. No problem with the dog or Thea (though she hides a lot). He got pretty vocal with Rufus though, and Rufus was like, "What, man?" I'll just have to keep an eye on them. He has filled out just a bit in his head. The skull is not nearly as skeletal. I can still feel all of his vertebrae, though. I'm enjoying him being back, because I can always count on him to sit by me on the couch. Baby sticks to her bed (I think she doesn't want to leave it unoccupied), Thea will sit with me occasionally, but Rufus is nowhere near as affectionate as he was outside and in the bathroom. I guess the courtship is over. I am just trying to get him to let me pet or scratch him without him bitching. It's all about the food with him.

Crazy cat lady, that's me.

Side note - while waiting for Baby's results yetserday, a lady sat way too close to me in the waiting room. There were plenty of other spaces, but she sat right next to me. She reeked of cigarettes. And I mean REEKED. I struggled with the urge to move away from her, but that seemed insensitive. Then she asked me what kind of dog I had. I just said, "Cats." "Oh, I usually see dogs in here." Um, ok. Luckily my brother called me, so I had an excuse to go outside.

I spent about 2 hours in Borders the other day spending my gift card. I sat on the floor a lot since they seem to have removed all the chairs and couches. Assholes. Oh yeah? Well I'll just sprawl out in the floor, how ya like that? I first got the Passionate Vegetarian, The Handy Religion Answer Book (bargain table!), The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America, and a guilty pleasure true crime book. I ended up exchanging the cookbook for this and this. I should have known with the author's name. Leigh said the recipes are a little too involved, too, which I didn't pick up on as I flipped through it while sprawled in the floor. And I'd rather look at Josh, anyway.

Reading: various magazines, currently bitch
Listening to: Breathe - Fabolous

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh