Friday, Oct. 14, 2005 @ 7:55 am
chained to the PC

It's amazing what I can accomplish in the afternoon when I don't get on the computer as soon as I walk in the door. On Wednesday I walked 4 miles - 1 with the dog around the block, and 3 on the treadmill. No one even threatened to kill him, but I think I did see the 'rock monster' Jeff tried to point out to me (but I wasn't paying attention). Nice.

And that night I slowly started to get one of those ice pick headaches. I barely slept, then finally got up around 2am to take some Tylenol. More barely sleeping. It subsided long enough for me to sleep later than normal (6am instead of 5am) and deal with more idiots on the roads. Two Excedrin at breakfast made no impact. I wanted to leave work around 11:00, but ended up not leaving until 2:30 - 1 hour earlier than I would have left anyway. I wanted to get a job done that is due by the end of the month, but was having various problems with it.

I slept a little better last night. I've got to make up for not working out yesterday (or Monday), though.

This pisses me off. Check the boys and girls interests halfway down. Stereotype much?

Well it took me long enough. I'm still working on this one from thedailywtf.

missleigh tagged me for a meme! Here we go:

I. Seven things I plan to do before I die:

1. take a self defense course, whether it's martial arts, Krav Maga, or other
2. learn Spanish (and German?)
3. get into good enough shape that I'm comfortable in a bathing suit (right...)
4. go to another country/have a fucking vacation
5. rollerskate again
6. learn to play a musical instrument*
7. I don't know. Singing lessons?

II. Seven things I can do:

1. make awesome vegan cornbread and mashed potatoes
2. imitate Eric Cartman pretty damn well (you guys, seriously...)
3. hear and smell things most people don't notice
4. sing every word of about 100 Tori Amos songs*
5. heavy lifting
6. Tell you what could be wrong with your car based on the color of the smoke from the exhaust. Or the noise it's making.
7. No really, I'm good at it.

III. Seven things I can�t do:

1. Be around children for any substantial length of time. Especially once they start whining or crying.
2. get into sports* (Well, I can sometimes tolerate football.)
3. run* (rough on my knees and ankles...and boobs)
4. meditate
6. "drive a stick"
7. tan

IV. Seven things that attract me to people of the opposite sex (or same sex):

1. sense of humor*
2. dark or red hair
3. musical/vocal ability
4. tattoos*
5. muscular arms
6. not a follower
7. good eyebrows

V. Seven things I say most:

1. Fucking hell.
2. Fuck!
3. thank you*
4. Yep. (� la King of the Hill)
5. Psh.
6. Bastards!*
7. Crazy.... (lately, anyway - from Pink Floyd's The Trial)

VI. Seven celebrity crushes:

1. Josh Homme
2. Dave Navarro
3. Glenn Danzig (well, once upon a time)
4. Gary Sinise
5. Tori Amos*
6. Alicia Keys
7. Shakira, Kanye West (Mr. Ego)...(this is a spot that constantly changes with my mood.)

VII. Seven people I want to take this quiz (only if they want to) :

Eunice, that bitch
canadianna - though she's MIA
lookinsideme - also MIA

I doubt many of those people would do it (or are still around, even), but I don't know many others who blog that Leigh didn't already tag.

*Answers copied from Leigh, but they are valid.

Reading: The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Listening to: Horses - Tori Amos, Manchester Apollo, Manchester, UK 6/5/05 (official bootleg)

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh