Monday, Oct. 03, 2005 @ 4:59 pm
taxidermy gone awry


Gathering his minions.


...and get in the kitchen and bake me some PIE!

I was quite the social butterfly this weekend. Usually I'm a hermit clean freak. I got a call on Friday from B wanting me to go to lunch with her. She needs to get out of the house every now and then, being a former ITP club kid turned OTP SAHM, or "breeder" as some snobbish folks would say. We went to Moe's and Target, two of our favorite places. It's always good to see her, and I can actually tolerate her daughter, Molly. Yeah, really. We'd been lamenting over emails how we've drifted apart from certain friends as our priorities change and theirs do not (or whatever reasons there are), and continued that at lunch. I mean look, if I can go to lunch and shopping with her and her daughter and not want to poke myself in the eye with a stick, I don't see why anyone else would have a problem. And so what if she's a "breeder"? Why are you still acting like you're 20?

On Saturday night I went to P's house for a very subdued party. (K wasn't there because she's a hussy, as advertised.) I was tired and could not drink since I was driving. Leigh was tired as well, but stayed much longer than I did. It was fun to look at all of the old photos of us and the various characters who passed through our lives back then. I didn't bring my albums, one of which contains the Leigh's Ex-Boyfriend Page�, but the pictures were basically the same. Lots of black concert t-shirts, acid wash jeans, big fried hair, and black eyeliner. And I forgot to wear one of the Metallica shirts I still have from back then.

On Sunday, Leigh and I went to our friend Carolyn's bridal shower. It was held at her maid of honor's parents' house. I walked into their living room and thought, "This is a lovely room of death." There were animal heads, antlers, rifles, shotguns, knives, swords, whole stuffed animals...including a complete action murder scene. The latter was a stuffed...bobcat? It was reaching up with it's claws to catch the stuffed dead duck. Lovely. I'm not usually too bothered by stuff like this, given my family's behavior, but that was what sent it over the edge for me. Ridiculous. And then her family fucking pissed me off. There was a point in the festivities where we were to go around the room and tell everyone who we were and how me knew Carolyn, and preferrably say something nice about the bride. Her sisters and at least one aunt mentioned her veganism, as in, "I supported her in her decision even though I didn't agree with it" or lumping it in with her other "wierd behavior." Fucking hell. My family would never get away with this shit. No wonder she feels like a freak all the time, because they constantly tell her she is. And she is such a nice person.

So yeah, that's about it.

ETA: Oh, then there was the point when several conversations were going on at once. Leigh and I were in on one, and the other was about, what else? - veganism. One of the aunts said something about vegetarians sometimes eating chicken and fish. Leigh and I looked at each other like, "just let it go, try not to roll your eyes." I would probably snap one day and fuck someone up if I had to deal with that shit on a regular basis.

Reading: The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Listening to: Laffy Taffy - D4L ( my head. Make it stop!!!)

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh