Tuesday, Sept. 06, 2005 @ 5:23 pm
not enough

I think a sponge bath is in order.

About the hurricane, I don't know where to start. I really need to stop looking at the pictures online and flipping between the news channels. This weekend I really watched too much of it for my mental health. Anyone who knows me would not be surprised that I've been touched by the plight of the animal victims, equally as much as the human victims. I even sent emails to my senators and representatives (as suggested by PETA, though I did not mention them in the emails) to urge them to allow animal welfare organizations in there to rescue the animals left behind. Some by force. Let me tell you something - that would not happen. You would not force me to place my animals on the ground (or roof) and leave them to die, even with a gun to my head. Fuck you, buddy. (I know, I cannot know what I would do in such dire circumstances.) The politicians are pissing me off (no more "I'd like to thank..." and ass-kissing bullshit!). The media whores are pissing me off (hello, Jesse Jackson). The government officials are pissing me off. I've watched way more coverage than can be healthy for my mental state. They showed on CNN a reporter, Anderson Cooper I think, riding through neighborhoods on a boat whistling for animals. One dog at first appeared to be dead (as so many were), but raised his head. They tried to get to him to give him water, but he was scared and there was too much debris. Hell, I cry watching Animal Cops, how the hell do you think that affects me? I have heard stories of people being allowed to take their pets, and of people taking water to them or taking them out as they find them. I don't mean to place more emphasis on the animals, but I feel like the majority of Americans don't really think about it or value animals like I do (people like my Dad).

I found out that my sister's adoptive mom and stepdad have let a family of 9 evacuees live in their house in town (which they have not rented yet). Their friends and fellow church members donated clothing, food, a washer and dryer, helped them move in, etc. A neighbor bought them a chest freezer. I just hope that they're getting some help with the financial burden of having two mortgages.

B was part of a grass roots effort that fed I think 45 displaced families in our Cobb and Paulding county area. They helped them find clothing in the piles. They gave them rides if needed. They called the motels, hotels, shelters and campgrounds to find out how many people were there and brought them the supplies. Lots of them were frustrated with the Red Cross, who was not returning calls from people wanting to donate or volunteer. They figured these people need help now, and they would not wait to be told what to do. And they were organized and had a huge turnout with just 2 days to spread the word. (Maybe FEMA, et al could take a lesson.) I told her to let me know when they do that again.

My office mate was deployed to Gulfport. He's in the Air National Guard.

I donated to AmeriCares and PetSmart Charities, after checking them out on Charity Navigator. It doesn't feel like enough.

Oh, and one more thing:

refugee - n. One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution.

There is another definition mentioning exile or leaving one's country, but come on!

Uneventful weekend, overall. Lots of flipping between the various news channels. Groceries, house cleaning, laundry, message boards, etc. We didn't go to Jeff's boss's party on Sunday. He didn't feel like it. They were going to be around the pool, and he didn't feel like sitting outside in the heat after being out in it all day. And I was not going to be swimming. He tried to talk me into it, but I assured him it would not be happening. Sorry, I'm barely comfortable in front of my parents, much less a bunch of dirty old men, I mean...Jeff's boss and friends.

I have to get gas on the way home. We'll see how that goes. (Yeah, it was $2.99 a gallon, total $46.18. Glad they weren't out of gas, since I'm not sure how much farther I'd have made it.)

Reading: Everything She Ever Wanted - Ann Rule
Listening to: ATLiens - Outkast

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh