Friday, Jul. 01, 2005 @ 10:16 am
hotels, kidneys and teeth

Fuckwits. Let's try that on you, jackasses.

More of the trainwreck. Man, she even makes Pam uncomfortable, and she dated that eyesore Kid Schlock.

OK, Jeff's friend agreed to feed the animals. Yay! No stinking dog on our trip! I've booked a hotel. It's the same one Leigh and I stayed in before. I don't think we had any problems, other than the lady trying to clean our room way before we were supposed to check out. I had it narrowed down to that and another one, which was a little higher and very nice. It looked a little uppity. I decided we wouldn't be comfortable there. Jeff in his Dale Earnhardt shirts, and me with my various social anxieties (being over- or under-dressed one of them).

I'm still feeling kind of...believe it when I see it about this trip. Yeah, I know the room is booked. I'm hoping we don't irritate each other. I'm hoping he doesn't have stomach issues. I'm hoping there's no problem with his truck, be it mechanical, accidental, or having to do with the temporary tag. I did find out that we can't get the old tag transferred until the dealer files the title application. We'll then receive a form from the tag office, but who knows how long that will take? We have 30 days from purchase, though, so some paperwork from the purchase and an insurance card should be sufficient.

I spoke with the vet yesterday. Baby's urine test was fine, and her creatinine was elevated in the blood test (3 point something), indicating lowered kidney function. She said that at that level, fluid treatment was not usually necessary. They usually start that at 4 or above. She said some people don't do that at all. I got the impression that it was a chronic, slowly degenerative thing that could last upt to 2 years. That's just my impression, she didn't say that outright. I also need to have her blood pressure checked in the next week or two to see if that could be contributing to the elevated levels. If it's that, it's treatable with meds (or something).

I really like this vet. We have been requesting her for our visits for a while now, ever since Thor had his heartworm treatments. I heard one of the receptionists on the phone Monday evening saying that she was about to leave for the evening, but there were 2 other perfectly capable vets available. So it sounds like we aren't the only ones. Not to mention that she has a cat dealing with kidney failure, too, so she is sympathetic.

I'm going to the dentist this afternoon. When I had my last appointment and in the following months, I was all fired up to demand that he replace my front crown and whiten my teeth in the process. Then he said it wasn't a problem that my gums have receded and the edge of the crown is visible to me. I tried to tell myself that nobody gets that close to my teeth to see it anyway. Then Jeff pointed out that I was covering my mouth when I laughed without even realizing what I was doing. Anyway, I will talk to them about it again today, but I am not all that fired up about it now. I've got too much going on to give myself something else to pay for and worry about.

After the dentist, I'm getting a massage. Very much looking forward to it.

Reading: From Chunk To Hunk - Fred Anderson
Listening to: Lodi Dodi - Doug E. Fresh & Slick Rick

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh