Friday, Mar. 25, 2005 @ 10:07 am
suki suki now

From The Mad Pundit:

...We spent most of the day talking about the Schiavo story. I think what the government is doing is absurd but Larry buys into all the moralist crap that�s being spread thick on this issue. I think the husband is trying to do what he thinks is right while his opponents attempt to prop up a dead woman like Norman Bates keeping his mother �alive� in the attic (or was it the basement? I haven�t seen the movie in a long time).

I�m a Bush fan but this is pure political bullshit. Somebody on that team, possibly Karl Rove, has decided that they need to prove some allegiance to their religious base. There are enough lawyers up there to know the husband is going to win this thing. But an administration that hasn�t really done much for its fundamentalist constituency can enter into a win-win here. They can stand up and lose and still get credit for going to bat for the team.

I�m not saying that all of Bush�s base is of the fundamentalist persuasion- I know that not to be true because I�m one of his most passionate defenders. But they are a constituency that has been loyal and ignored for the most part. Why not throw them a bone?

So Schiavo becomes nothing more than a political football to be kicked around by organizations and associations that had this agenda long before they ever heard her name. Check out a movie called �Citizen Ruth� to get to the truth of what�s playing out with this issue.

In that movie Laura Dern plays a paint-huffing dumbass who gets knocked-up and is sucked alternately into, and is used by both the Pro-Choice and Pro-Life organizational structures. Her case becomes a nationwide soap opera and her �point of view� is represented by those on both sides who have decided to speak in her name. I�m tempted to say it�s exactly the same except for the abortion issue. But the truth is that this is the abortion issue in sheep�s clothing.

The hardcore Michael Schiavo opponents don�t give a damn about his formerly energetic wife. They are using this issue to advance as much legislation as possible in her name to be used later to uphold their Pro-Life positions. This is why you here so much about the sanctity of Life from that side of the debate.

I happen to believe that Roe v. Wade is bad law. But I don�t think you cure bad law with more bad law. And I don�t trust anyone that uses a Trojan Horse to advance a stealthy agenda.

Strike One- Mr. President.

Exactly. Except for the Bu$h supporting part. And the 'bad law' part.

I've been listening to the new Queens of the Stone Age, and all I have to say is this: |m|

My sister ran away again Monday night. Apparently she was pissed because she wanted a cell phone, but her mom wanted to get her a prepaid phone. (Yeah, give a teenager a phone with unlimited minutes? I don't think so.) She ran out and never came back. Her mom left me a voice mail on my cell phone around 8:30 am Tuesday, but I didn't get it until that evening. (Maybe I should look at my cell phone more often.) I sent her an email Wednesday morning, and she replied saying Danielle had come home Tuesday night around 5:30 supposedly to get more clothes. She went upstairs to her room and fell asleep on her bed. She said she's sure she'll get up today acting like nothing happened, but she's got a surprise in store. No reply as to what that is yet.

My first thought was, "What the hell is wrong with her?" I'm tempted to say this and "Let me know when you can act live you've got some sense" next time I talk to her. I don't know if that's how I should handle it, but I don't want to let her slide on this thinking I approve. Not that she would listen to me anyway. I am an adult.

Update: Wednesday morning as her mom left for work, my sister was showered, dressed, and outside on the sidewalk as if waiting for a ride. Someone picked her up, and she told them she wouldn't be back. Her stepdad said he'd call the cops if she came back without their permission. Hmmm. She is 'running around' with an older guy who lives in my town. I wonder if I'll run into her somewhere. I wonder who she'll call when her money runs out. I hope she doesn't think I'll give her cash or let her stay here. Christy don't play that. Still no word.

You know what annoys the shit out of me? OK, I get a massage every 2 weeks, or twice a month. I called Wednesday to make an appointment for today, but was told that she won't be working on Good Friday. Oh. Yeah fine, you're a christian. I have no problem with that. Take whatever days off you'd like. Don't fucking assume I am! "Have a good Easter!" Yeah, I'll be sure to do that. (NOTE: Yes, I know she was probably just being polite. No, this one incident alone is not enough to piss me off. Things like this happen all the time.)

My face is actually better. It's still broken out, but in a more manageable fashion, if you know what I mean. I'm using this toner, which actually seems to help with the irritation. I may try the rest of the products recommended for oily/acne-prone skin, but the oil-based moisture serum is throwing me off. Well, jojoba is actually a wax, but yeah. (Look at this, too.) And it would be yet another expensive product for me to buy without knowing if it will make me grow another head.

Reading: Mad Cowboy
Listening to: Skin on Skin - QOTSA

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

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