Monday, May. 17, 2004 @ 5:39 pm
boring weekend wrap-up

To the guy I passed on the way home Thursday: Don't take any pleasure in the fact that I got caught at that light. I'm still not behind your slow ass.

Is this the shittiest picture ever taken?

The tattoo is healing (and itching) nicely. One more week before I can wear it uncovered in the sun. I'll be looking into heavy duty broad spectrum hisgh SPF sunscreen. Been meaning to do that anyway. I sent a pic to BMEzine and hopefully will receive full access for a few months. I was only able to look at 150 images Friday. Someone on one of the message boards I frequent suggested it for gathering ideas. It looked pretty promising from what I saw. I got through only 7 pages of 84 pages of tattoo images, and that was just one category. I have a feeling I'll be getting another one before the year is over. I'm leaning toward something with an ankh and something with the symbol of Gemini/Juno - not together. And I still like the small of my back as a location, as hackneyed as it is becoming. That will be a bitch to clean and medicate every 2 hours, though. I really like inner wrist, but I'm not sure I'm ready for one I cannot easily hide if I want.

I had a decent weekend. I laid around Friday and watched a movie and CSI taped from Thursday night. I'd been having some digestive issues all week, and Friday was pretty bad. (Thanks to missleigh for her knowledge and assistance.) Saturday I got the house clean, which is good because I didn't have time last weekend. It was driving me crazy. Then I worked out after (and while) watching Flab to Fab on VH1. It made me want to go get on the treadmill, so I did.

Sunday Jeff and I just ran some errands. We had to go to B3st Buy to get some stuff for his old discontinued cell phone, since the website said the stuff was available for store pickup. I'm having a hard time finding him a case for his phone that does not have the cheap ass plastic swivel clip. And the store did not have them. So, I had to deal with annoying Cobb Parkway for nothing. When will they build an Ult@, B3st Buy, and O1ive Garden near me so I don't have to go out there anymore?

Then we went to the hardware store near us that is closing. Everything was supposed to be 10-30% off. Whoopdeedoo. That puts them at about L0wes or H0me Depot prices. No wonder they're closing, but I'm sure they blame it on the competition. Well yeah, we go where the price is right.

I now must quit procrastinating and go workout. Not in the mood today, but dammit I'm gonna do it.

Reading: assorted magazines - currently Spin & Health (I'll get back to the books one day)
Listening to: SpottieOttieDopalicious - Outkast

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh