Friday, Apr. 02, 2004 @ 9:06 am
new car, new face?

Now jesus is a curse word? Jesus.

On that note, more religious insanity.

I smell a theme.

We're picking up the new car tomorrow. I'm not really excited, probably because I'd have kept the '99 for at least another year before getting anything new had Jeff not pushed for it. I'm not sure how true it is that he's worried things will start to go wrong. I guess it could be, knowing how cars nowadays are in general. It's been a really good car. I've been very happy with it. I truly hope I like the new one as much as I like this one. I guess I also feel weird getting something new because the '99 is still in such good shape and causing no problems (except the horn quit working - one too many swift hits with my fist while angry in traffic?). Every time I've gotten a newer car in the past has been because the old one was a piece of shit. Well, almost. Maybe when we pick it up (windows will already be tinted! Yay!), I'll be more excited. Well, after the financial and tag crap are taken care of. That stuff can be stressful.

We'll be getting this one in my name. The '99 is in Jeff's name, and the tag is in both our names. We did that because I had limited credit. Apparently the car can only be put in one person's name, so we went with Jeff. This time, I want it in my name to help bolster my credit. I have joint credit with Jeff, which is good, but I need more in just my name. Also, Jeff is thinking of financing a newer used truck, and doesn't want another car payment to count against him. I'm not sure if it would, but whatever. Anyway, we just renewed the tag in February, since it's in Jeff's name and expired on his birthday. I'll have to buy a totally new tag for it to be in my name. The salesman is not sure if I'll have to do it again in June before my birthday. If I do, he said it would be a very small fee, since the ad valorem accumulates, or something. Whatever. Just give me the keys.

Oh, when the salesman called me Monday to tell me the car was in, he said, "You don't sound excited." I told him we'd been trying to sell the car (though not trying very hard), and I knew I'd be unhappy with the trade-in value. He asked how much we were asking, and I told him $5000. He said, "Well, maybe we'll work it all out." Uh huh. It was $5500 in November, and I've added some miles to it since then. I'll have to print out the NADA, KBB, and Edmunds info today.

I'm getting a facial this afternoon. I'm sort of nervous. I'm hoping it won't make the acne worse, and I'm also hoping she doesn't try to sell me a bunch of crap. I'll be taking in all of my current products, and I'll be telling her I don't want to buy anything new, at least today. I'd like to be able to use what I already have, if possible. I'm pretty sure the Proactiv is making me too dry, which in turn makes me too oily as my oil glands try to produce more oil to catch up. I've quit using it and gone to the Cetaphil before, but my acne got worse. I feel that I need some sort of acne treatment, be it salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, to combat it.

I'm also nervous about being seen in public with no makeup before the facial, and with no makeup and a possibly reddened and blotchy face afterwards. I'm sure there'll be extractions. Hell, she's got her work cut out for her. Good thing she has an hour.

Reading: Fast Food Nation - Eric Schlosser (to the Afterword!)
Listening to: I Can't Wait - Sleepy Brown f/ Outkast

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh