Friday, Dec. 05, 2003 @ 10:06 am
stinking ass dogs, PMS and other assorted ranting

What's so special about Thursday?

Have I mentioned lately how much Kid Rock sucks? There you go.

Another hateful cat.

From's The Vent:

Bush wants a wall between church and state in Iraq but is busy tearing down that same wall here in the U.S. Consistency is not his strong suit.

Nail on head.

I was doing fine last night until one of Jeff's friends came over with his elderly Boston terrier last night. He and Filo chase each other in circles until I want to rip their goddamn heads off. And then they were feeding them leftover chicken and dog biscuits and they'd eat them on the carpet. Like the carpet doesn't stink bad enough. As it is, I'm going to have to deodorize and/or Febreze the hell out of it before my party in a couple weeks. Filo has a habit of rubbing himself on the carpet if he gets wet outside, gets a bath, or gets water on his face after drinking from the bowl. Lovely. Eau de stinking ass dog. I want to look into renting or buying a steam cleaner after the holidays, but Jeff mentioned replacing the carpet. I don't want to do that until very close to the time we sell the house (so there's less time for him and his dog to ruin it). He looked at me like I'm crazy.

Then he knocks the water filters on the floor that have been sitting on the counter all in the fucking way all week. I said, "You were supposed to put those in." He says, "Well, you need to tell me these things." I said, "Well, what the fuck do you think they were sitting there all week for, decoration?!?" At this point I'm feeling like I clean and cook and clean some more and don't sit down from the time I get home from work until the time I go to bed and I'm fucking tired of it.

Fucking PMS is not helping, either. Notice my Reading and Listening To fields. I think that's appropriate.

I feel a bit better today, but feel that I could go off at the slightest provocation. I have to clean today, as well as some things in preparation for the party. I know it's two weeks away, but I want to get some stuff done so there's not so much to do that day. I have to get my hair did. Anyway, I have to go through all the rooms vacuuming the cob webs down, move the dog's crate (which is only being used by the cats as a "bunk bed" since I put a blanket on top of it) from the dining room to the garage, and a few other cleaning type things. I'm sure they don't care, but I can't let my friends come over here and see any dust or anything. I have a reputation!

Reading: Bitch - Elizabeth Wurtzel
Listening to: Antisocial - Anthrax

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh