Monday, Dec. 01, 2003 @ 6:12 pm
anchovies are fish, people

Dude. Go see a doctor!

I love There's a theme with the latest update. And this one is just cute. I've got to catch my cats in the act of hating and send some pics.

My husband has an aunt who always makes this Chex mix stuff every christmas. I ate it last year. This year, I asked my mother-in-law if she knew what it was seasoned with, if anything. She said she didn't know. I asked her if she would ask if worcestershire sauce is used (since I've seen it in recipes for similar mixes). We had the following exchange:

MIL: "What's wrong with that?"
Me: "It has anchovies in it."
MIL: "What's that, a vegetable?"
Me: "No, anchovies are fish."
MIL: "Oh, well there's not enough in there to hurt anything..."
Me: "Well, if it's used, I won't be eating it."

Psh. The aunt makes huge batches of the mix, fudge, caramels, and other stuff to give to everyone every year. I don't expect her to accommodate me, so I'll just give it back or throw it away if I can't get a straight answer (or a good answer).

After that pitiful exchange, I went shopping. I got a gift card for Jeff's niece (since I never got a response from her mother about what to get her). I also looked at a few places for gift ideas for his mom and for the party I'm hosting for my small group of friends. We play the White Elephant game, and I think the limit is $10. (We do the same at work. Because there are usually so many girly frou-frou gifts - crystal, christmas crap, etc. - I make it a point to get something either masculine or unisex - as the gifts are supposed to be anyway.)

On another note about the party, I'm still waiting for one person to call me back once they find out when their work party is, since it will be on a Saturday. I've narrowed it down to two Saturdays in December. I've left her two messages now with no response. She said she'd call me last week and didn't. That shit pisses me off. I have shit to plan around this thing and can't do anything until this one is decided. If you don't want to go, just say so. Fuck.

Reading: Bitch - Elizabeth Wurtzel
Listening to: evening news

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh