Thursday, Sept. 11, 2003 @ 5:10 pm
big fat heifer

I dreamed Tuesday night that Filo died. I don't remember how it happened in the dream. I woke up in the middle of the night with an urge to go see if he was on Jeff's side of the bed lying on his blanket. I looked in my dreamer's dictionary, but no luck. There was animals, death, and dogs, but no pets or pet death. Hmmm.

I started out the week on a good note by doing my arms and abs workout, then walking about a mile and a half on the treadmill. I use a workout I got out of Fitness magazine where you warm up, then keep a pace of about 3.5 mph while doing intervals of steadily increasing inclines. I don't like to jog because it usually ends up making my knees and ankles hurt. So, I stick to walking. The incline intervals seem to be a good workout for me, since I can see my heart rate going up and then back down with my heart rate monitor.

What was I saying? Yeah, I meant to do an aerobics tape Tuesday but was having digestion issues. I'll leave it at that. So I felt bad, of course. I repeated Monday's routine on Wednesday. I suppose it's good I'm at least doing something. I really want to buckle down and lose a few pounds and gain some more muscle. I want to like how I look naked, even if that seems impossible knowing how I am. Sometimes I worry that I'll get obsessed and anal about it and drive myself to an eating disorder or something. Or obsessively working out. I almost got there a couple years ago. I was working out every day to the point of declining invitations if it conflicted with my workout schedule. At that time one of Jeff's friends came over after a workout when I was still in my workout clothes and asked me how much more weight I was going to lose. I don't think I'm that far, physically, from how my body was then.

Or it could be hormones. At certain times of the month I feel like a big fat heifer, others I feel like I look ok (usually the week after my cycle). OK, I'll shut up before missleigh tells me to quit being silly.

This is just wrong.

So is this guy's "hair".

Of all the things to get to me today...

In honor of Bear

more on Bear

Search and Rescue Dogs Tribute

Sirius and his memorial

I really need to not look at this stuff at work. I think I'll go hug that silly dog now. And the cats. I don't think they like hugs, though.

Reading: You Don't Need Meat - Peter Cox (I'll finish this eventually...)
Listening to: Silverchair - Anthem for the Year 2000

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

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