Sunday, Nov. 03, 2002 @ 7:29 pm
It's all about the red boots

I got a hit from a Lycos search for "flat chested". Uh, sorry to dissappoint. I haven't been flat chested since I was about ten. Why do you think one of my brothers called me "little jugs" at one time?

See, the thing is, I have this problem. I'll go shopping for christmas gifts for other people, and end up buying myself stuff. It happened last night at Target. I went clearance rack crazy. I bought these long sleeve shirts to go with my khakis for, like $6.48 a piece. I bought these black pinstripe pants that I could not live without. They're a size 6, and baggy, and way too fucking long! Dammit. I'll have to get them altered. Or, I could wear platforms. Nah. Am I deformed? Am I freakishly short? I didn't think so, but apparently clothing manufacturers think so. Look, no model is larger than a size 4 (or so it would appear); and no size 6 I know is taller than, say, 5'6". Even so, that leaves 3 or 4 inches for me to trip over. Maybe I can make some of those trendy wrist bands.

I also bought a scale because Jeff wants to keep up with how much weight Filo is gaining. I weighed myself (eek! Ok, I guess 122 is not bad), then held him and weighed again. I think he's about 18 lbs, which is 2 more than last week. We're not sure just how big he will get, since he's a mutt. We've looked at pictures of lab and pit puppies, and I'd say he has both in him. With those two breeds, it's safe to say he'll be 60-80 lbs.

He's taken to sitting in my lap, which I'm going to get Jeff to take a picture of. Friday he actually curled up there and put his head under my arm like the cats sometimes do. I think he was just chilly after his bath. He was having a hard time staying in my lap because my pajama pants are satin-y. Funny shit. I'll try to get a pic to post.

Wait, what was my point? Shopping. Oh, yeah. There's these square toed pant boots at Payless that I have to have, too. I couldn't decide on brown or red, so I'm getting both. I needed a 6.5 W, but couldn't find that size in either color. I even climbed up and looked on top of the racks like a re-tard. I came home and went online to find that those colors don't come in wide widths. Oh, well. I'll go back and get them today (buy one, get one half off!!!). I'll just deal. Maybe they'll stretch around my bunions. Do I have anything to wear with red boots? Don't know, don't care. They're that cute. If not, it's an excuse to buy more clothes! (And they're all man made - Bonus!)

Listening to:

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh