Monday, Jul. 29, 2002 @ 6:25 pm
hilarity ensues

Friday night I went to dinner with my two brothers and one of my brother's girlfriends. He's dating (at least) 2 women, both of whom are well off. In fact one is a millionaire, but not the one I met. She's divorced and gets $5500 a month alimony/child support. Needless to say she does not work. She does spend all day caring for her 3 year old son, who has cancer. I'm sure me and my hilarious brothers entertained her well enough to eleviate a little of her constant stress and worry, if only for a little while. I swear, when the three of us are together we end up laughing until it hurts. With all the stories about how we got nicknames, about certain family members, and incidences when we were kids, I'm sure she thought we were crackpots.

We ate at a Lebanese/mediterranean place that was chosen for my benefit, but I really didn't like it that much. All the entrees had meat in them, so I ended up eating pitas with hummus (delicious) and baba ghanoush (no more, thanks), and these things called spinach pies. They were basically spinach turnovers, and after eating two I'd had enough spinach for a few months. "I've had all I can stands...I can't stands no more." Oh, well. I enjoyed the company, though.

I had spoken to Allan at about 3:30, and told him I'd be leaving my house in 30 minutes. I had to make a couple stops, then I'd be at his house. He called me again at 4:30 as I was pulling into the shopping center to go to Ulta. I told him I'd run in there quickly, then come to his house. He called me again at 5:15 as I'm on my way to his house. "What?!!?" "Where are you?" "Uh, on the way to your house." It was a good thing, though. He gave me an alternate route to avoid some traffic. Sheesh. If what they say about cell phones and radiation is true, he's on his phone enough to have every type of cancer there is. OK, that's not a nice thing to say, but you know what I mean. The cell phone was invented specifically for him. He probably sleeps with it.

Saturday morning missleigh brought her car over for Jeff to replace her radiator. We went to the consignment shop, the health food store, lunch, and a few other places. We went to Ross, where I thought I might go postal. When we walked in, there was a kid playing an annoying electronic game that beeped endlessly. The place was packed, and snot-noses ran rampant. As we made our way back to the front (you will do what I say when I say...oh, sorry. Metal flashback) of the store, the fire alarm goes off. It continues for probably 15 minutes. I'm standing in line to buy a $4 shirt with a kid in a buggy behind me screaming and the alarm STILL going off. I'm thinking "How bad do I really want this $4 shirt?" The fire department came and shut off the alarm. Then a lady said over the intercom that a kid had pulled the alarm, and asked once again that people keep their kids with them at all times. This had been repeated 3-4 times since we'd arrived. We also heard "security, zones 3 and 7" and "so-and-so to the front, it's an emergency." So, basically it was chaos. I think they're in competition with Wal-mart to be a portal of hell.

Later, I went to Leigh & Ken's. We then went to dinner and to the Lucky Yates Talk Show. Ty Pennington fron Trading Spaces was there. I don't think he was that funny, probably because Lucky talked too much. But overall, the show was hilarious as usual. Another guest was a "reptile guy" who was a breeder and owned a store (I think). He had a blood python that was beautiful and HUGE. He was probably the same length of our ball python, James Dean. So, he was about 6-7 feet long, but much thicker. Like a tree trunk almost. There were also several ball pythons, a sand snake (is this right, Leigh?), a monitor, and other lizards I don't remember the names for.

So, I didn't get home until about 3:00, and didn't get to bed until about 4:00. Then I only slept until about 8:30. So, not enough sleep combined with a few weeks of the same. Woohoo. And I'm PMSing. I hate to be the type of woman who uses that as an excuse, but it's true. It'll be worse tomorrow, too.

Listening to:

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh