Tuesday, May. 28, 2002 @ 5:57 pm
fancy new cell phones and indoor rivers

Wow, has it been 6 days? Oops. Well, I had a four day weekend. I sat at the dealership for about 2 and a half hours Friday morning. The Low Coolant sensor was bad. I still have to go back when a replacement visor clip that had to be ordered comes in. It's not exactly convenient, being 30-40 minutes from home and about 20-30 minutes further north on my way home from work. But, it's where I bought the car, and where my Dad has bought cars for decades.

Friday I went shopping a little bit (Target, Marshall's, Clothestime). I bought four pairs of undies and a large kitchen knife at Marshall's. Does that say something about me? I'm a sexy homicidal maniac? Then I went to my yearly eye exam appointment. They told me that my prescription hadn't changed. I might not be seeing as well as I could because my contacts are very dirty. I guess the cruelty-free solution I'm using isn't as good as Opti-Free. Hmmm. And my insurance does not cover disposables. I have to go back to pick up the new ones when they come in. Maybe I should switch back to Opti-Free.

I then heated up my vegetable soup I made and froze a couple of months ago and made vegan cornbread for dinner for Leigh and I. We then went shopping to kill time before the 10:00 showing of Enough. I was in Target twice in one day, and then again on Saturday and Sunday. I think I have a problem. That movie made me feel icky. I've never been in an abusive relationship, but I was shaky even after the movie. Maybe because it's the week before my period and I'm moody and overly emotional. I can't really explain it. I got teary when she cried in the movie, and I felt what I assume was rage when he hit her or did something else abusive or creepy. My face got all hot, and I'm sure it was red. What the hell?

Saturday I lolled around the house all day. Jeff was at the shop most of the day, so I had the house to myself. I went and got a nifty new cell phone (Nokia 3360). I got it partly because it's better than the 5165 (smaller, has vibrate option, no external antenna), and partly because Leigh got one, and I was jealous. Well, not really jealous. Envious. I'm a gadget whore. Anyway, I went against Clark Howard's advice and signed a 2 year agreement. I know, bad Christy. The thing is, I got the phone free (as opposed to paying $60 for it with a 1 year agreement), and I've never had a problem with Cingular. Their network/reception is superior, their customer service is excellent, and I can change plans or options at any time. And a bonus is that I kept my old phone for Jeff when he tears his up. He's rough on phones, and didn't want a "fancy" one, anyway.

We went to Mexico Lindo for dinner, where I had the second bean burrito of the day. I didn't realize that until after I'd almost finished. Jeff said, "I'll bet you'll be pleasant to be around later." Actually, it wasn't that bad. Really.

Sunday we installed the water filter system under the kitchen sink. It was relatively easy. The problem occurred after 3:30 am Sunday morning. Jeff said the kitchen floor was dry at that time when he got up to get some water. Then at 7:30 (when the cats woke us up to feed them), the floor was flooded into the garage and about 5 feet onto the living room carpet. Lovely. It took about 3 hours for us to clean all of it up. Luckily, the water missed my dining room table, refrigerator, love seat, and chair. Apparently, the seal on one of the filter housings busted out of place. Jeff was able to put it back into place, and so far no more leaks. I'm nervous about it, though. After fixing that, we installed our new chrome faucet and squirty (spray nozzle). Tres cool. Geez, I'm boring.

Oh, yeah. Can't forget about being transfixed to the TV for the Memorial Day Trading Spaces marathon. Woohoo! Then they showed the 3 episodes voted on at the website, including the one where the woman cried. That just solidified my resolve in never being a part of that show, even with my dream combination of either Vern or Gen, and Ty as the carpenter. Oh, I also have to admit that when Hildy changes a fireplace, I actually kinda like it. I liked the broken glass mosaic thing (despite the horrid colors), and the round pebble one. It just makes no sense to me to paint bricks. There's a house in a neighborhood near where I live that had painted their brick house this loud purple, and now it's an even louder primary yellow. Ick. And they still have their christmas lights up. Well, of course they do.

Listening to:

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh