Thursday, Apr. 04, 2002 @ 5:42 pm
Day Three, etc.


We got up around 9:00 and got dressed and raided the pitiful "continental breakfast" in the hotel lobby. We then packed up our stuff and took it to the car in two trips. The housekeeper came by twice before 11:00 to see if we were still there. Checkout wasn't until noon. Sheesh. Don't we get at least that much time?

After she knocked on the door a second time around 11:00, we decided to go ahead and check out. We then headed north and stopped by Soul Vegetarian in Mt. Pleasant for brunch. I'd never been to the one in Atlanta, so it was a new experience. Leigh told me they are strictly vegan, wear all white, and only serve their water at room temperature. I've heard of this religion before. I think it has some Jewish connotations, and is based in Israel. Anyway, the food was excellent. We had scrambled tofu, fake sausage patties, hash browns, grits, and a biscuit with maple syrup. Very good.

We were on our way around 12:15, and didn't stop until we hit Augusta about 2 hours later. I was getting sleepy because it was kind of overcast and sprinkling. Later, it really started to pour. I had to slow way down. It freaks me out to drive fast in the rain, so I went about 60-65 mph. Some assholes were still doing their normal 80-90 mph. Fuckers. Just stay away from me, thanks. I think we may have stopped once or twice more to pee. Amazingly, I made it to Charleston on one tank of gas, and back on a second tank. Cruise control seems to up the gas mileage. Gotta love it.

So, we got back around 6:30 and I commenced putting up the clothes I took and never wore. I was glad to be back, and glad I had the next two days off.


Leigh, Ken and I went to see Tenacious D Monday night at the Tabernacle. As missleigh put it, that is some funny shit. Their opening act was a clown band called Greasepaint. They were actually pretty funny. They had a guy on stilts, a fire eater, and dancing monkey girls. There was one clown playing an organ with a silver coat and a big white wig. I called him the Liberace Clown, but I guess he looked like Elton John in his Elizabethan getup, too.

And of course, the D were in rare form. Jables was wearing a flannel shirt and some old-looking sweatpants. What a life. We were disappointed that they didn't play a few songs, like Lee (skinny dippin' in a sea of Lee), but didn't complain because they put on such a good show. They even showed a couple of video skits. At the end, Jack ripped open his flannel shirt to show his "soft white underbelly" to the ladies. I thought about getting a t-shirt, but that'd just be another one to go into an already full drawer (what with all the Tori t-shirts in there already).


Jeff's mom had to have a colonoscopy Monday. Yesterday I asked Jeff if his mom had called about the results. He said no, and that he was trying not to think about it. I said, "Well you might want too. With your diet, you'll probably be having another one of those yourself." He looked at me for a few seconds and said, "At least I'm not malnourished." I said I'm not malnourished. He said, "Well, no because of your pharmacy in there." I said the only things I have to worry about is B12 and iron, and I was low on iron when I still ate meat. Take that! Woohooo! I win! (Only Leigh will get that.)

Anyway, Jeff's mom has been having some problems. Her iron has been low for a while. She's also been having some swelling in her lower legs and feet that's bad enough that she can't wear shoes. Leigh said that that could mean that her body is not ridding itself of toxins efficiently. Isn't that a kidney thing? I don't know. They've done numerous tests on her with no conclusive results.

Speaking of inconclusive results...Jeff's dog is having problems, too. We noticed some red or pink spots on the kitchen floor a few weeks ago. Once we realized it was Thor, we took him to the vet. They said it was probably an infection and gave us antibiotics for him. After he finished the pills, we took him back in for a recheck. Though invisible, there was still blood in his urine, and no bacteria indicating an infection. So, now he's scheduled for an ultrasound next week to check for a tumor. Geez. They told Jeff this was common in older dogs, but did not indicate if it was caused by lack of exercise or diet. He's only 8 or so. Is that "older"? And to think I was worried about my 11 year old cat, Baby. Well, I still am.

Listening to:

newest ... older ... notes ... guestbook ... profile ... rings
swaps ... surveys ... random ... host ... tori amos

The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh