Monday, Dec. 03, 2001 @ 5:32 pm
bureaucrats on convention

I got back from Savannah Friday afternoon. It was mostly fun. The first night, we went to a seafood restaurant on the tourist trap street, River Street. It was good (excellent marguarita), but a little expensive. The two other seafood places we went to were cheaper, out of the way, and had much better food. That'll teach us. I went with Angela - who lives nearby, and Crandall - who I share an office with. As I expected, he got on my nerves toward the end of the trip. He is so high strung! He reminds me of my brother Allan, who we joke was born with a phone attached to his ear. Anyway, Crandall has to always be talking or socializing. He drove his own car, but was talking on his cell phone the whole way. We knew he had to be going crazy in the car for 4 hours by himself. We should have known.

He's a good guy. I'm sure I got on their nerves at some point, too. He also researched the restaurants we went to, and never disappointed. Wednesday night after dinner, we went back to River Street to hang out. We got a couple of drinks from Wet Willie's (and joked that there was a conference going on in there, what with all the Dept of Labor people standing outside). We then went to a bar and played pool for a while. I showed my skills (I grew up with a pool table in the basement - playing frequently), but only won once. Angela beat me by getting the 8 ball in on the break. I beat a guy who works down the hall. Some drunk college kid beat me, then we went back to the hotel.

Thursday night was the 70's Dance. Angela and I dressed up. Me as a pimp, her as a soul sista. She had an afro wig with a pick (no fist). I wore a hat with a feather, pimp shades, fake gold rings/chain, bell bottoms, and a suede 70s coat. It was fun, until they made a big deal about me refusing to dance. Plenty of other people did not dance, why focus on me? It made me uncomfortable. I got a little taste of an anxiety attack from the way leigh describes it. I had to get out of there. I ended up outside the ballroom of the hotel just hanging out by myself. The loud music was getting to me, anyway. A few people asked me what was wrong. I just said I was tired, which was true. I had not had a good night's sleep since Saturday. Sunday night on was bad.

Let's see, what else? I got a bobble-headed cat in a souvenir store. I had to have it. It looks like my fat black cat, Buzz. I got a couple of shot glasses, painted tiles, fudge, peanut brittle (for a lady at work), and a Savannah t-shirt that says "Bite Me" for a guy at work. We saw it and thought of him. Oh, and a Savannah t-shirt for myself that has a sun/moon on it, like my tattoo.

I was glad to be back home, but Jeff did nothing while I was gone. He didn't go get a haircut, he didn't bathe his stinking dog and flea-treat all the animals, He left all the dishes he used in the sink. From the time I got home until I went to bed, I was running around the house like a headless chicken.

I'm more resolved in my decision to be a vegetarian. Crandall tried to give me a hard time at dinner Tuesday, but I just laughed it off. I'm actually kind of looking forward to veggie only meals. I love beans and greens, asparagus, black-eyed peas, rice, pasta, cous cous, etc. I just need to find out what tastes good with what. I plan on buying myself the book that Leigh let me borrow. It will be very helpful in balancing my meals.

OH!!!! Barbara took Dad back. They went to Mississippi together for a few days. I hope it works out. The only bad thing is that now we have to drive to AL and back christmas eve, then get up at the butt crack of dawn to drive to Spit Cup, SC and back. We may decide to spend the night, but I doubt it. It'd be a pain to bring the dog, and staying there too long is like being in another boring country dimension. Time just stands still.

One thing I just thought of about christmas eve... We usually have ham sandwiches to avoid turkey burnout. I don't eat ham anymore, and will eat no meat after Dec 31. Will they notice? Are we even having ham? What do I say to them? What CAN I eat there - bread, deviled eggs, pickles, dessert? We'll see. I can't understand why they have to make it so inconvenient for me and Allan. He lives in GA, and has to be back here christmas eve to spend the night with his son and his mother. We of course have to come back, then get up to go to SC. Why can't we just have in at Allans'? Scott and Donna (other brother and his wife - in AL) go to her family's house here in GA, anyway. Oh, well.

Listening to:

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh