Saturday, Nov. 24, 2001 @ 11:56 am

"You put the 'fun' in dysfunctional." said my friend, Leigh. It was not a put down, it was a humorous way for her to commiserate. And, boy, is she right.

Dad called me at 7:00 Thursday morning to ask what I was going to tell Barbara. Tell her about what? I talked to her Wednesday to clear things up. (She thought I knew something was going on recently. I only know of him dating this woman in the late 80s.) He then said not to "volunteer any information." I said, "I don't *have* any information." He sure is acting guilty.

Lunch at Barb's was nice. The food was excellent. There were a few awkward silences as we didn't know what to talk about (we certainly knew what to avoid talking about). As Leigh said, at least I didn't have to bring up the subject of vegetarianism. Though, I mentioned that I was reading a book on vegan nutrition to my sister-in-law, who was reading a book on nutrition as well. I revealed nothing specific.

Before I left, Barb let me hear the recorded phone conversations between Dad and my aunt. It seems awfully conspiratory to just be hiding buying Barb a christmas gift. It doesn't add up. There was a comment on the tape that they were surprised that I hadn't said anything to Barbara about him dating Paula. That's why she thought I knew something. I only know of their past. I hope she believes me. She seems to, and my brother Allan said she did. If I had known something, how could I not tell her? Especially when this woman was in her house.

We then went to the Hampton Inn to see Dad. How sad and depressing. He seemed so talkative. He's never talkative. He must be lonely. I feel for him, but if he cheated, he deserves it. My brother Scott actually snuck him a plate from Barbara's. He ate it cold while Jeff and I were there. Speaking of Jeff, I am so thankful to him. Usually, he's ready to go not long after we finish eating. This time, he knew I was uncomfortable and upset, so he didn't say anything. We stayed way longer than he wanted to, but he knew I had to see Dad.

One thing this is teaching me is that I'm like my Dad in a lot of ways. I'm also not very affectionate. I'm trying to work on that.

As I'm reading the book Leigh let me borrow, I'm starting to feel good about my decision to become a vegetarian. This book discusses the effects on your body, the environment, etc. Not so much about the cruelty aspect, but I know about that. I still plan to cut out poultry and seafood at New Year's. I'm learning that there are lots of options for me. I love beans, so I can incorporate that into my meals. I can also include grains like cous cous (which also has protein). I'm experimenting now. I had some Unchicken Wednesday. It kinda gave me heatburn, but that may be because I ate too much of it.

Well, we're about to go to the flea market and maybe the gun show. I really don't have the money for the automatic I want, so maybe not. Jeff may go ahead and get my christmas gift. There's a place there that sells silver jewelry really cheap. I want an omega necklace with an onyx pendant. You know, it works out better when we pick our own gifts. I know it ruins the surprise. But, I'm so picky!

Until next time...

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh