Tuesday, Apr. 26, 2005 @ 5:10 pm
group homes, trees, and gnomes (oh my)

My sister is now in a girls' group home...for the moment. She had been staying at her mom and stepdad's neighbor's for a couple days, but had been sneaking out and back in during the wee hours. The plan was to tell her they had a place for her to go, and to call the cops if she bolted. She started to 'go off' when they told her to get in the car, but her mom said she didn't want to hear anything she had to say, and she'd better not try her today (yesterday). While they were getting her into the home, her mom made it clear that if she didn't make it there, she was on her own. She also said that "the younger lady told Danielle she could not believe she did what she did in allowing the 4 guys to break into our home, she said 'this is your Mother' how could you do that to her! She just shrugged her shoulders & smirked a selfish smile!" If she runs away from the home, her mom is calling the police. She's the only white girl there, including staff, which 'seemed to make her happy.' She put my name on the list of people Danielle could call. But I think that privilege, as well as watching TV and such, must be earned. We'll see how it goes.

We finally got some trees planted in the flowerbed. We got two 7-8 feet tall Bloodgood Japanese maples. They're purty. They were looking kind of wilted yesterday, so I watered them and Jeff applied root stimulator (which we should have done before filling in with soil). He said that the high winds of the past few days could cause the wilting, too. I hope so. I hope we don't kill them. I may even have some crafty ideas for the dried leaves.

Now we need to figure out what else to plant in there. I don't mind a few annuals, like around the mailbox, but I'd rather have perrenials for the most part. So Jeff liked these petunias for around the mailbox, and I thought we could mix in these and maybe these. (Side note: I found a pic of someone's Boa constrictor named Petunia, and that just cracks me up.) And I want some lilies, dammit. And we saw some kind of daisy looking flower that was a pale blue or white, and had a blue center. Very cool, but the pots didn't have any info on or in them. I don't know how they'd look with the red maples, but they looked cool (dammit). These are close, but not quite (after 30 fucking pages of google image search).

We also bought a bird feeder and a hummingbird feeder and hooks to hang them on. We're on hold for a couple weeks since I'll be in AL this weekend. Unless Jeff decides to do something on his own. If I could only find a gnome that didn't look stupid. How about this? Nah, I see that in the house every day. A gargoyle? Same problem as the gnomes. Look! Wait, shouldn't they give those away just for the free advertising? I like that one.

Reading: Tori Amos: Piece by Piece
Listening to: Someone's in the Wolf - QOTSA

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

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