Tuesday, Apr. 05, 2005 @ 2:21 pm
not a fucking farmer

Written on 4/4:

Good fucking grief. Way to raise a generation of pansies.

From AP:

About one in five ninth-graders report having had oral sex and almost one-third say they intend to try it during the next six months, a small study of teens at two California schools reports.

The teenagers, whose average age was 14 1/2, also say oral sex is less risky, more common and more acceptable for their age group than intercourse.

The researchers surveyed 580 ethnically diverse ninth-graders in two California public high schools.

Girls and boys reported similar experiences and opinions about oral sex, which surprised the study's lead author, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, associate professor of pediatrics at University of California San Francisco.

"I think the stereotypes don't exist as much anymore," she said. "Girls and boys both see oral sex as not being a big deal."

Yeah but...I'm sure we're talking about fellatio and not cunnilingus. Despite the other implications, the fact that teenage girls are growing up thinking this is ok (without reciprocation) disturbs me. From another article:

"Unfortunately, in the U.S., fewer and fewer teachers are talking about how condoms can be used to prevent STDs or even pregnancy -- let alone how condoms can be used in the context of oral sex."

Emphasis mine. See?

We wasted most of Saturday at car dealers. We drove by a few lots that are sort of near my brother's (since we'd decided to just show up, and break in if no one was home). At one, he saw a black 2001 that was almost the right truck. It was not the larger motor he wanted, or long bed. So, he ended up passing on that after a wasted hour and lots of ass-kissing from the salesman, the sales manager, and assorted lackeys. I would have bought that one, but it wasn't up to me.

We get to my brother's and he's not there, but and my stepmother is. She came to pick up my niece for the weekend, only to find out (after she got there) she was already supposed to go to her mom's. How annoying. My niece's mother sat in the driveway waiting for her to finish packing. Heh. She didn't want another smackdown, I guess.

Later we went to a dealer in Uppityville where a friend of Jeff's boss works as a salesman. They'd been talking about setting him up with some sort of buddy deal on a new GMC. It wouldn't have been that much more than a used one, since they depreciate so little compared to most vehicles. Jeff hadn't mentioned my Dad's discount despite my advice to do so. He thought his buddy deal would be better than the family discount. Dummy. When I mentioned it, they were all, "Why didn't you say so?!?" So yeah, he ordered a new truck in carbon metallic with dark pewter interior, everything he wanted - long bed, extended cab, etc. I'm not sure how I'll handle him having a newer cell phone and a newer vehicle. I told him I'd have to get a new phone or something, so he said he'd buy me one. (Good thing, since I'm not signing up for a contract next time, therefore no free phone for me.)

I'm having a bit of anxiety about another car payment, but Jeff assures me we'll be ok. I'm slightly relieved because he definitely needs a new truck. I'll be glad to have one that I can drive if needed, since his '72 has no power steering. I'm not a weakling, but I've tried to drive cars w/o it. Well, I think he said that a car that had power steering that wasn't working would be worse than one that never had it...or something. Anyway. The trucks also do not depreciate much, and he'll be keeping it for probably 10 years or so (or however long it lasts w/o significant expense). He can still change his mind in the 60-90 days it will take to build and ship, also.

Sunday was a busy day, as usual, but even more so after Saturday's wasted hours. I didn't remember it was daylight savings time until it was about 11:00 (12:00). I hate it. I don't like it to be daylight until 8:30 or 9, and I don't like it to be daylight when I leave for work around or before 6am. I'm not a farmer. After a trip to L0wes, I started cleaning. I had to kind of work around Jeff, because he was doing our termite treatment inside...

(Oh yeah. I didn't mention that, did I? We're doing our own pest control and termite treatment. He was bothered by the amount of money we spent on those services. I'm not sure how it'll work out when we sell the house, but I know he's got his bases covered. He's doing the traditional chemical barrier method around the perimeter of the house as well as inside where there was previous damage or a seam in the slab. He's doing a bait method, too. From what the guy who used to do our treatments told me, those are usually mutually exclusive. Overkill? Maybe.)

...I don't know what I've done to myself this weekend, but I'm sore! I helped Jeff carry and load/unload the big ass piece of fitness equipment, as well as attempting pull ups and dips. It doesn't seem like that would be enough to make me feel like an old man (Dad), but it did. I'm even groaning when I pick something up.

OK, last I had heard on Friday was that my sister had gone to her step aunt's house the Saturday before. Her mom had to go get her because she was showing her ass there, too. They got home and had a long talk, then she snuck out again. They filed a police report, but don't know what else to do.

It 's comforting to say that 'practice makes perfect'....
You are 'Gregg shorthand'. Originally designed to
enable people to write faster, it is also very
useful for writing things which one does not
want other people to read, inasmuch as almost
no one knows shorthand any more.

You know how important it is to do things
efficiently and on time. You also value your
privacy, and (unlike some people) you do not
pretend to be friends with just everyone; that
would be ridiculous. When you do make friends,
you take them seriously, and faithfully keep
what they confide in you to yourself.
Unfortunately, the work which you do (which is
very important, of course) sometimes keeps you
away from social activities, and you are often
lonely. Your problem is that Gregg shorthand
has been obsolete for a long time.

What obsolete skill are you?
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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

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