Wednesday, Mar. 09, 2005 @ 9:40 pm
fuzzy fucker

I think I forgot to mention this when I saw my brother and niece a couple weeks ago. My niece was wearing a Falcons footbal jersey and tight holey jeans. Man, is that a flashback. OK, my jersey used to be my Dad's in high school, and my jeans had Slayer and Metallica logos drawn on them, but still.

Our new secretary came into my office yesterday. The radio was on, but I wasn't paying attention to it. She said, "Are you listening to L!nk!n Park?" I said oh, that's on the radio. She said, "I like that song." It was the Jay-Z/LP trainwreck. I didn't jump into how much they suck, just trying to be polite and not to offend her. Now I'm worried that she thinks I like them. Should this be bothering me this much?

I vacuumed out the car yesterday, and finished around 5:15. Because the outlet in the garage is messed up, I had to plug the shop vac up in the kitchen. The door would not close with the cable running in, so I pulled a chair up against the door to keep it somewhat closed. Apparently, it was enough for Thea to get out. I then worked out, showered, and started cooking dinner. I didn't realize she was gone until about 6:45 when I fed the cats and she was not there yelling at me.

I looked everywhere in the house twice, looked in the cluttered garage, looked and called for her Thea. I was giving myself a headache worrying because it was going to be below freezing last night. Though she is fast and agile, she is also declawed and probably more plump than, say, a raccoon. I wondered if she knew to stay out of the road, if she would come to one of the doors, if she could get away from a dog, or whatever. Jeff looked again inside and out when he got home. I ate my dinner, then we went out to look for her again, with plans to walk up and down the road, as well. I went into the front yard with the intention of looking under the bushes that separate our yard and the neighbor's. I shined the light by the side of the house where the fence attaches. I saw something black that I first thought was just a shadow. I get closer and see the shine of fur. I start calling her name and walking closer - no movement. I walk closer and closer, saying it louder and louder, still no movement. My stomach is doing flips. I thought she was dead. It wouldn't be the first time this scenario has happened to me.

Finally she moved after I nudged her with the flashlight. She just raised her head and warbled at me. I guess she may have meowed at the door while I was on the treadmill or in the shower, but I wouldn't have heard her. I'd called for her earlier, and so did Jeff, but she hadn't moved. She must have decided that she was going to be out there for a while, so she had hunkered down up against the house. So I just picked her up and took her into the house. She was a little more freaky than normal, having spent a few hours outside. She was a stray when I got her as a kitten, but she's been a spoiled indoor cat for the past, oh, 8 years or so. Fucker.

Reading: Mad Cowboy
Listening to: Drinking & Driving - Black Flag

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh