Friday, Mar. 19, 2004 @ 10:02 am
hookie and paranoia

I took the day off Wednesday to hang out with missleigh. It was nice to play hookie. We went by Harry's because they still have Samuel Adam's Winter Lager, but I couldn't buy it when we were there on Sunday. (Stupid GA laws.) We then went to lunch at Cafe Sunflower, then to Phoenix and Dragon to look at sparkly jewelry, then to her wedding location. I took a few pics for future reference, so we'll know what all we need to decorate. Luckily the lady who works there was on her best behavior, but she's been snippy to Leigh in the past. Either she didn't want a witness, or I was looking surly enough to deter her.

Oh, Wednesday before he left for work, Jeff asked me, "So what holiday do we have today?" Answer, "I'm taking today off." "Oh." I guess he thought it was Arbor Day, beans and cornbread day or some other such holiday.

Around 10:30-11:00 Wednesday night, I thought the aliens were landing. Apparently a helicopter flew very close to the house. They fly around my area regularly because we are sort of close to an Air Reserve base, so that's not surprising. But I swear it sounded like they were landing in the yard, or on the roof. I had my ear plugs in, too! Should I be paranoid? Maybe they're looking for a peep show, like with canadiana. Wait, she hasn't updated in a long time. ~Cue spooky music.~

Cute little kittens, crazy with hate.

I've noticed that The Darkness sound like Slim Mackerel (go to radio of Slim link and click on the "dot com!" sound bit link). Especially in the song I Believe in a Thing Called Love when he says, "gui-TAR!"

I'm having a massage later today. La di da. Hopefully before that I'll have time to walk the chunky dog, workout, and bathe myself.

I have 2 DVDs I need to watch, a stack of magazines and a stack of books to read. If I could pry myself away from the computer (and working out, cleaning, etc.) I might be able to finish them all.

This site is certified 63% EVIL by the Gematriculator

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Oh, really? GFY.

Reading: Fast Food Nation - Eric Schlosser
Listening to: Covered in Punks Blood - Desert Sessions 9 & 10

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh