Saturday, Feb. 07, 2004 @ 11:07 am
my neck, my back

Friday morning at around 4am I twisted my neck wrong while tossing and turning. Something popped, and then the pain came. I could barely move my neck from side to side or lean it back or forward. I also could not lean down or sit in any position that did not hurt. I tried to get ahold of my chiropractor because I thought he was open at least for a few hours, but he wasn't. He did call me and said he'd be in his office briefly today. So, I'm going at 1:30. Luckily I'm feeling a bit better this morning. I have a bit more of a turn radius. Yesterday it was alternating from tingling, burning, throbbing, and sharp pains if I moved the wrong way. The Aleve, heat, and then cold did not help. I feel stuff popping every now and then if I move certain ways. Leave it to me to injure myself lying in bed.


1. Copy this whole list into your blog.

2. Bold things that you have in common with me.

3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you. Take note, ALL 100 are about me, the bold ones I have in common with peth. You bold what you have in common with me then make up new things about YOU for the rest.

01. I'm right-handed.

02. I spend a lot of time in front of computers.

03. I love to read, and i collect books compulsively. I read too slowly for my own good, and have neglected far too many of the classics. Either too slowly, or not enough time to read.

04. I work with a diverse group of people. Besides the typical American mix, there are people from Ukraine, Laos, India, Egypt, and Vietnam.

05. I hate how I look naked. And sometimes clothed.

06. I hate to cook.

07. The curtains match the rug.

08. I wore glasses when I was 3-4. They were soooo ugly. I even broke them once and had tape holding them together.

09. I've never been out of the country.

10. I like cats, especially when they tear around the house for no reason, and when they let me wrassle their ears. And when they roll over to make 'pretties' at me.

11. I've never colored my hair.

12. I've never taken LSD, or done any form of cocaine, heroin, meth, speed (unless you count Vivarin - wait, white crosses? What are they?), crank, etc.

13. I've never been to Bermuda, and have minimal interest in going. I'm not so good with the hot hot heat.

14. I've been to California, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama many times, South Carolina many times, Tennessee (where I got married), North Carolina, Washington DC, and Kentucky.

15. I have an almost photographic memory. It's why I sometimes write a word out to see if it looks like I'm spelling it right.

16. I've been to a hunter's safety course. I've even been hunting with my father. Luckily his cigarette smoke and my fidgeting kept any deer in the area well away from us.

17. I have 3 half siblings. Two brothers who share a father, and one sister who shares a mother and does not know I exist. Yet.

18. I get sick if I attempt to read in the car for long stretches.

19. I drink so much water that my pee is usually clear.

20. I can rarely take a nap. Forcing it just gives me a headache.

21. I have 7 total ear piercings, one in the cartilage.

22. I am known as the pharmacy at work. At this point, I have Advil, Tylenol, Bayer, Motrin, and Exedrin in my desk.

23. I cannot drink water that sits in a glass for too long. It's 'contaminated.' Anyone seen Signs? That little girl is me. But in my case, it could be true with all the animal hair floating around here.

24. I'm in touch with my masculine side.

25. I'm becoming a hermit. Work, home, work, home, grocery store, home, work, drug store, home...

26. I find myself uncomfortable in groups of people who I don't know. And around babies.

27. I watch entirely too much TLC, Discovery Channel and Animal Planet.

28. My desk at work is neater than my desk at home.

29. I do not like chocolate ice cream (or milk shakes), but I love chocolate.

30. I enjoy being alone.

31. I have controversial and conflicting political opinions.

32. I've never been to Disneyland.

33. I hate to sweat, but I have to if I want to look good in a bikini.

34. My dreams are often of running from someone, or someone in a car. I also dream of hitting someone. These dreams sometimes feel like I'm in quicksand and cannot move fast.

35. I hate the word "tummy". I love the word "mahogany".

36. I have been shot with a BB gun. Luckily one of my Dad's wool sweaters was thick enough so that I only got a small bruise on my stomach. My brother went to the guy's house to have a word with him after I told him what happened.

37. I don't know if I could ever be vegan. First, I don't know if I agree about honey. Second, they need to biuld a Harry's or Whole Foods nearer to my house.

38. Walmart pisses me off every time.

39. Most of my clothes come from Target, Kohl's, the consignment shop, and various thrift stores. Most people think I dress nicely, though.

40. I think I have psychological issues with being affectionate.

41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts. I stress too much over finding the right gift for folks. I don't think I'm all that good at it.

42. That show Clean Sweep on TLC inspires me to get rid of crap.

43. I am a good liar. At least I used to be. Haven't done much lying lately.

44. I'm proud to say that I don't hang clothes on my treadmill.

45. I only wear white gold or silver jewelry. I'd wear platinum if someone bought it for me.

46. Some people think I'm 'short' with them on the phone. Some people say the same about my Dad. The thing is, it may not be that I don't like you, that's just how I sound on the phone. If I don't like you, I probably won't answer. ~cough~ some of Jeff's "friends" ~cough~ Caller ID - it's a beautiful thing.

47. I don't have much of any desire to birth babies. but you never know. [Peth wrote that last bit, which I don't choose to acknowledge.]

48. I've never seen Scarface, either. It's on my mile-long Netflix list.

49. I own a black car because I liked the way it looks and liked that color best, but also because it matches everything. It's an accessory, right?

50. There are 5 framed Tori Amos posters in my home office.

51. On my desk are a Garfield Pez dispenser, Gumby, Slinky, Silly Putty, Grover, Devil Duckie, wind-Iup robot, and a bobble head kitty. Yes, I'm an adult.

52. I want another tattoo.

53. I'm worried about what will happen to our friendship when missleigh has kids.

54. I've never driven a car with a stick shift.

55. I'm highly amused that Josh Homme listed himself as "J Ho" and "Josh 'The Other White Meat' H." in some of the song credits on Desert Sessions 9 & 10. (He so sexy.)

56. I own too many hair products.

57. I don't like coffee. I do like the smell.

58. I like things arranged alphabetically. Books, CDs, DVDs, buddies list...

59. I've had sex in a car many times, but not the first time.

60. I want to get LASIK.

61. I am employed, and being paid right now to fill out this form.

62. I may have to start making stuff up to finish this damn list.

63. Deep down inside, I don't know whether I like myself, though I think I am a pretty good person.

64. I had oatmeal for breakfast.

65. I remember only one or two words from the 2 semesters of French it took in high school.

66. I like to people watch.

67. I am disappointed by the fact that I don't know a whole lot about one topic. I'm not an expert at anything. I know a little about a lot of things.

68. I don't dance. Ever. Well, except when I'm in the car and Bombs Over Bagdad comes on.

69. Crowds unsettle me. At 5'3", I get claustrophobic.

70. I have smoked pot, in the past. I don't have much of an inclination for it now. But if it was legal...

71. I think the first album I bought was Michael Jackson's Thriller.

72. Anal retentive exhibit #5456 - I keep an umbrella in the house, in my office, and 2 in my car.

73. I am the queen of unfinished projects.

74. I like the smell of gun oil.

75. My mother was bipolar and an alcoholic, from what I've heard. I worry that I could be, too.

76. I've never lived alone. I'm sure I would love it.

77. I carry at least one pocket knife and a pepper spray key chain at all times.

78. I also have a license to carry a gun.

79. I would say my wardrobe in 80% black.

80. I don't think I cried when my grandmother died. I was young, though, and barely remember.

81. I have bunions. Sometimes they hurt.

82. It would be nice if i could work a 4-day workweek. Except I kind of do, just the fifth day is shorter, and I'm home in my pajamas.

83. I rarely leave my office at work, and keep the door closed.

84. Sometimes I think I take too many supplements.

85. I recently found a ladybug in my house and escorted her outside.

86. Not many d'land members have me listed as a buddy. I try not to let it bother me.

87. I never got a chance to date alot. I did have one 'juggling' incident.

88. I pride myself on my good spelling.

89. I joined the Friendster bandwagon very late in the game. I've already lost interest.

90. I have three cats. All three are very talkative.

91. Sometimes I dream that one of my front teeth falls out.

92. This whole Atkins Diet thing is beginning to piss me off.

93. I rarely use my cell phone.

94. I love email.

95. I think I'm addicted to Diet Coke, especially Cherry.

96. I still have a pair of yellow high top Converse that I wore in 7th grade.

97. I used to love to climb trees.

98. The only speeding ticket I've ever received was on an Air Force Base.

99. I'm drawing a blank.

100. I've got shit to do.

Reading: Fast Food Nation - Eric Schlosser
Listening to: Crawl Home - Desert Sessions 9

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh