Monday, Jan. 05, 2004 @ 5:23 pm
drama, moving, and assorted crap

Clint Eastwood's 10 rules a man should live by (from

Call your own shots, be fearless, keep moving, love your job, speak softly, don't be predictable, find a good woman, learn to play the piano, and "you are what you drive."

But the 10th really stands out: "Avoid extreme makeovers."

He's still the coolest.

I knew there was a reason I hated that Spears bitch!

From Creative Loafing:

All you dumb spammers,
My penis size is just fine.
Go ask your mother.



I forgot to mention the New Years Eve party at Jeff's boss' house. Not much to report, other than my difficulty staying awake until midnight. We left by 12:15. The two beers I drank did not help, even though I waited until later in the night to have them. The 19 year old punk he works with (who I cannot stand) pretty much avoided me. We just kind of kept a wide berth between us, and I think it was mutual. I mentioned it to Jeff, and he said that the guy was scared of me. Bonus!

No, the party was fun. Jeff's boss and his wife are very nice. They make you feel like family. She invited me to go to the gym with her and her friend, and invited me to some home interior type party thing this Friday. I may go, just to hang out. (I think I mentioned before that during the summer they invited me to use their pool any time I wanted, after I'd asked them if they'd been to the aquatic center.)

I helped my friend J move on Saturday. This will be the 3rd apartment she's lived in in the same complex. I had called her Friday to find out what apartment she was moving out of so I'd know where to show up. She moved there after she and her husband separated, and I'd never been there. She called me Saturday morning. As I talked to her, her roommate started knocking on the door. She had had the locks changed because he had disappeared for over a month and owed her $500. She didn't want to deal with him, she said. As irritating as she is, I'm still protective of her. So, I told her not to let him in until someone got there, and I'd hurry up.

By the time I got there, 2 cop cars were sitting outside. I parked, and called her on my cell. I left a message pretty much like this: "Uh, yeah. This is Christy. I'm sitting in my car. I just wanted to know what was going on before I walked in there." She never called me back. She was either trying to reach her mother or talking to the cops.

Apparently, he continued to knock. She finally asked "What do you want?" through the door, and they commenced arguing through the door. He called the cops. They told her (and me) that the fact that he owes her money does not give her the right to hold his possessions hostage. At one point she mentioned that she had wanted to sell a few of his things to recoup some of the money. The cops told her that if she had done that, they'd take her to jail right now. At that, she freaked. "OK, they're in my car."

She ended up giving him everything. He collected his stuff as the cops stood by. She gave the cops her work address so he could send the money to her by February 1, or so he claims. I guess she learned a $500 lesson.

So, I was rested, but still wore myself out loading and unloading stuff. It was 70-plus degrees and 100% humidity. Isn't this fucking January? And then I had to tell my friend to get off her ass and unload something at least 4 times. Hello?!?! We're moving your shit. The least you could do is help. And she had very little packed. Her entire "hope chest" was unpacked, as well as a lot of stuff in her closet, bedroom and kitchen. I can understand the clothes on hangers. I think I just piled them in the car when I moved, too. She had to move stuff, unpack the boxes, bring the empties back to the old apartment and reload them. Granted, this is better than the last time I helped her move (also within the same apartment complex) a few years ago. Then she had nothing packed. So, yeah. She's helping me move next time.

And then... As we all tried to decide where to go for lunch, I said where I could eat (as a vegetarian) in the area. Someone said, "Well, at least Leigh (missleigh) isn't here. She doesn't eat anything." And then someone mumbled "twigs." I just sarcastically said, "Yeah, twigs." Dumbasses.

I'd better go workout now.

Reading: Bitch - Wurtzel
Listening to: Maury in the background

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The last five:
See ya! - Friday, Mar. 17, 2006
Where's the Excedrin? - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006
don't even get me started - Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006
I'm not mean, you're just a sissy. - Monday, Mar. 06, 2006
countdown to defection - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006

CandB | Bitchypoo | Fresh Peth | Blazing Hussy | itsibitsispyder | Cosmo's | Leigh